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2012, A RollerCoaster Ride

2012 is basically a year of discoveries, betrayal and acceptance. It hasn't been a very pleasant year, lots of ups and down. There were numerous turning points in my life this year that has drastically altered my world view and mindset. I guess you can call them lessons in life, because despite being demoralized, depressed and even disappointed, I felt that I've learnt alot this year.

Alot of things happened this year that I couldn't bring myself to accept. 
A good friend told me that I don't have to embrace acceptance if I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I couldn't, so I didn't.

I don't want to force myself to do anything.
I decided that the best way for me to deal with the massive upheavals, unforgivable changes, the backstabbing and betrayals, is to not think about them. Out of sight, out of mind.

It's like a huge reconstruction of the mind.
I stop thinking about the negative moments, I stop associating myself with the people involved in said negative moments, and I immerse myself fully in activities that I love.

At times like this, I finally understand the lesson I was supposed to learn this year. Some people are not meant to stay in your life. So do what you gotta do. Cut your losses before you lose yourself in the process. You gain friends when you lose, this is so that you can make space in you life for the truly worthy.   

So, to the people who have disappointed me, I'm glad that I've learnt something from the experience.
Thank you for disappointing me so much, that I felt it was finally time to part.
Thank you for letting me know that I deserve better people in my life.
Goodbye and good riddance.

I can proudly say that I cut my losses before I lost myself, and in the process, I made a really good friend this year who is definitely worth his weight in gold.
 Life has been good to me. :)

I believe everything happens for a reason, people come into or leave your life so you can learn something about yourself. I'm glad I didn't run away instead.

Welcome 2013.
Welcome a brand new me.

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Protect Your Tomorrow, Today

Yes, cervical cancer is the 6th most common cancer for women among Singaporean women. 
Even though it usually affects women above 45 years old, there are cases whereby young women of only 25 are diagonsed too. Even if you're young now, there will be the day when you grow old. 

Instead of waiting for the day where your world comes crumbling down, why not do something now to prevent your world from becoming topsy turvy over an illness? 
Instead of waiting til it's too late, waiting to start treatment, why not start preventing now?

Why not protect your tomorrow, today? 

Part of my 2012 resolutions, is to get myself fully vaccinated. 
I did my research, and decided that my best bet would be the polyclinics because you can pay by Medisave. 
I got all my information from the POCC website, which provides extensive information for your ever inquisitive mind. 

As you can see above from my certificate of vaccination, there are 3 vaccinations that you have to take in order to complete the set. 

The first two jabs must be taken 3 months apart from each other, and the last one is 6 months apart from the 2nd vaccination. It took me almost a year before I finally completed it last month. 

A little warning, this vaccination might hurt a little bit more than your usual jabs. 
The aftereffects that affected me were pretty heavy too, including fatigue, intense muscle aches, headaches. 
But all these will pass after the first day, only the sore muscles remains. It'll go away after a week. 

But I think, no matter what, a little pain now is a small price to pay because I have safeguarded my future. 
Or at least, taken preventive measures to make sure that I have minimized the chances of suffering in future. 

If I can do it, you can too. 

Visit Power Over Cervical Cancer to find out more today. 


Handmade with Love: Xmas Cards

This year, I made an impromptu decision to create handmade cards for all my loved ones. 
Yes, in the midst of exams and end-of-semester assignments, I decide to embark on this mini project. 

So for people who are interested in handmade cards, but have no idea how to begin, maybe this will help you out in the ideas department. 

What you need: 

Pen knife
Glue stick
Double-sided tape
3D tape
Craft punchers

Colour papers
Materials from online free scrapbooking kits
Decorative stickers
Chipboard alphabet stickers
Pom-pom ribbons

The above is just a guideline on the type of materials you need, you can adjust it according to your needs.
3D tape lends body to your cards, hence the name 3D tape. Okay actually I have no idea what it's called, found it in my drawer and it works so..I just used it. But I think you can get them at scrapbooking shops. 

The only things I bought were the chipboard stickers and the papers. The rest of the stuff were from my art box and online free kits, I picked those that fit into my theme and printed them out. 

Easy peasy, once you've gotten hold of the materials, it's time to let loose with your creativity and have fun!

You can get the chipboard stickers in Popular or in any craft stores. 
I picked glittery gold because it fits the Christmassy theme pretty well. 

Pull out all stops, use all sorts of craft tools you have in your art box. 
You can see in the top left picture that I have used the angel craft punch, fits in pretty nicely with the theme. 

I call this the Open-door concept because you open up the cards like a door. 
Coincidentally, I managed to find cute labels online so I printed them out to use. 

These two cards above are secured by a string and a tack. 
Likewise, I scoured scrapbooking websites online that provided free holiday kits that you can download and print. Personally I like the Christmas tree alot, so I purchased some decorative pom-pom ribbons to decorate the tree. The stickers and some of the other material were given to me by my classmate who attended a scrapbooking class. She had some leftover so she gave them to use. In addition, she let me see the cards she made at the scrapbooking class so I can get some ideas on kickstarting my creativity. :)

I kept those nettings and crepe paper from more than 10 years ago, and its only until now I've found a good use for them. Amazingly there were in perfect condition, so they came in very useful. Things like ribbons, nettings, crepe paper, pom-pom ribbons give texture to your cards. 

Use some imagination and you're find that you can make funky looking cards too! 
Merry Christmas to you too! 

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Wild Honey: Scotts Square

At Scott Square for the very first time, and it felt like stepping into a mini version of Paragon. 
High-class. So high-class. 

Visited Wild Honey again and I must say I really prefer this branch. We had really good service here, unlike the one at Mandarin Gallery. The shop space at Scott Square is much more spacious and I love that they have an al freso dining area., makes you feel as if you're dining at a cafe overseas. 


Having tried the Norwegian breakfast and now the European version, I think I prefer the Norwegian version. 

Personally I'm not a very ham person, and this just feels very uncooked to me. Try as I might, I just couldn't slice them apart and I only managed one mouthful. A dining etiquette 101 is probably what I need geez. 
 The sauteed portobello mushrooms were very juicy and succulent so that's a bonus point, because I love mushrooms! 

The eggs benny tasted..well..like eggs benny. The hollandaise sauce was really thick and creamy, and the egg was well done. The yolk was slightly runny and the egg white was firm. I like the egg, it's cooked just the way I prefer it to be done. 

As usual, the brioche at Wild Honey is fresh and crisply toasted. I like the brioche here because it's not too soft. In general, I don't like bread. But if you toast it, I'll eat it because well.. toasted bread are more crispy and not too soft. The brioche at Kith Cafe is way too soft, and well.. I'm just a really finicky eater who prefers crispy toasts. 


Eggs, tomatoes and chorizo sausages. 
This is salty, spicy and very very fulfilling. 
The side salad is very refreshing, tasted vaguely of balsamic vinegar yumm..

But I still think I'm more suited to the vegetarian breakfasts at Wild Honey, because everything seems to be very..salty and heavy on the palate. Or should I say, people who are more accustomed to strong flavours would probably love these two dishes. Or maybe next time I should try their waffles, they look really good on the website. 

Verdict: 3/5

The food is good, and I really like the service at Scott Square. Just boycott the branch at Mandarin Gallery because, if you're going to pay for service change, make sure you really got your service. 

6 Scotts Road
Level 3 Scotts Square
Tel: 6636 1816

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Minne Mouse Nails

Never thought I would attempt something so girly, but hey, I'm in the mood for a little glitz.

Cue Pompeii Purple and Mod About You from the OPI Teal The Cows Come Home collection. 
I was initially contemplating Christmas themed nails but I was dying to use Pompeii Purple, so I did this Minnie Mouse polka dotted nails instead. I really like the shimmery purple, and the pastel pink showed up really well too! 

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Vacation Souvenirs: To Buy or Not to Buy?

Photo Credit HERE

In general, I despise getting holiday souvenirs for people. It's troublesome, and some unappreciative people will have something to say about your gift. If I buy anything, it'll be for a couple of closer friends only. Or I'll just get some food, you guys can share among yourselves. Easy peasy. Otherwise, I am a firm believer in not getting anything at all if I don't see anything worth buying. Food is alright because it's a universal bonding item, but if I have to buy for the sake of buying, then no thanks. They are just going to end up as future rubbish items. 

I hate it when people make it seem like buying souvenirs are an obligation.

Photo Credit HERE

I hate it even more when I buy things for someone, and they go, you never buy for *inserts name* ah?
Let me ask you this. 


When I buy something back for you, it's an indication that I am reciprocating. I feel like you deserve something for being so nice and supportive. It means you are important enough to me. 

If you are smart enough, then you can make your own deductions that whomever I didn't get anything for, is not high up enough on my list to deserve anything.

 But if you try to make me feel guilty for buying stuff for you and not for *inserts name*, then let's make it clear alright. 

I will NOT be buying anything for anyone at all anymore.

Photo Credit HERE

It is MY holiday, MY money and MY decision if I'm getting souvenirs for anyone. 
I don't think I am answerable to anyone for a minor decision such as getting souvenirs for whom. 

However, it is YOUR prerogative to feel guilty that you have something and so-and-so doesn't. 
I will not condone it if you try to make me feel guilty about my harmless decision instead. 

If I buy something for you, just effing TAKE IT. 
If you don't want it, say so up front. I will never waste a single penny on you again. 
If you don't go round showing off the item, nobody needs to know that they didn't get anything. 
But instead of a "thank you", you tell me "why didn't you get for so-and-so", then pardon me if I slap you. 

You don't control who I buy things for. 
Either take it, or leave it. 


Rong Guang BBQ Seafood

This is something different from annual family birthday dinners. 
I don't want to go to restaurants, instead I want some really good, down-to-earth local food. 

As I've been craving for sambal stingray since the exams, I'm not going to pass up the chance to gorge on some really spicy stingray on my birthday. 


I think I shall let the pictures do the talking, shall I?

In the face of such glorious sambal chilli, I can only gorge myself silly on the awesome awesome fish. 
The sambal was spicy spicy the way I like it. The stingray is super fresh, and the ends are crispy so I can bite them off like I'm eating biscuits. Shiokkkk! 

Can I have somemore of this pretty please? 


This is good, but not superb. 
Nevertheless, I enjoyed it thoroughly. 



This one really hits the spot, a little sweet and a whole lot spicy. Shiok ah!


The only reason why I like this dish is because, the oysters and the egg are separate. 
As in, I really don't like oysters and sometimes when eating oyster eggs, I'll accidentally consume oysters. But with this, I won't because the oysters kinda..drop out of the egg by themselves lol. 

This is just..normal la. Good but not mind-blowing good. 


Vegetables are always welcomed, I like these. Fresh and the kailan are in bite-sized pieces. 
Yum yumm.. 

Verdict: 5/5

Value for money and utterly lip-smacking good. 
The ingredients are really fresh, and the food is just so so so good. 
Definitely going back again! 

Rong Guang BBQ seafood
Blk 120 Bukit Merah lane 1
#01-07 Alexandra Village
Tel: 9278 7579
Closed on Tue

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Saboten: Changi T1

The most interesting part of dining at Saboten, is that you have to DIY. 

The tonkatsu sets comes with a bowl of sesame which you have to grind by yourself. The tonkatsu sauce is made available on all tables, and you add the sauce into the sesame. This constitutes as the dipping sauce for your tonkatsu later. 

The cabbage starters come to you dry, and you can add your own dressing.
There are two bottles available on every table as well - one is a sesame dressing while the other is a yuzu with soy sauce dressing. I added both but was slightly more heavy-handed with the sesame dressing. 
Yumm, I do love Japanese sesame dressing. Sweet and salty, it's such a refreshing flavour that it really whets my appetite. Delish. 


There was a mad struggle to decide between the loin or tenderloin dishes. 
We resorted to Google to check which was more tender. Tenderloin won. 

I really liked the plum dipping sauce, very refreshing. It's a sweet, salty dipping with crunch because of the sesame seeds that we have to grind. 


I forgot what's the name of this dish. It has some complicated word in there. 
But essentially this is breaded pork loin, tempura lotus root, sweet potato, okra, broccoli with sweet Japanese curry. I've been craving for curry and this really hit the spot man. 
Sweet sweet Japanese curry. The ultimate comfort food!


The Saboten Special comes with a serving of deep-fried breaded prawn, creamy crab croquette, deep-fried pork loin and pork tenderloin

The guys ordered this. 
I must say it looks absolutely delicious. 
I was just worried that I couldn't finish this so I skipped out on this. Must try next time though! Creamy crab croquette sounds absolutely divine. 


Every set meal comes with a miso soup, a cabbage starter and a scoop of matcha ice cream. 

The cabbage starters and miso soup are of unlimited servings. EAT ALL YOU WANT. Actually if you have a normal size stomach, you won't be able to put away that much cabbage and soup anyway. But it certainly gives the impression that Saboten is very generous. 

Verdict: 5/5

I'm giving Saboten 5 Charlottes because, they have one of the best tonkatsu and curry I've ever eaten!
Thumbs up for the generosity, unlimited hot green tea refills is something I haven't seen in a Japanese restaurant for a very very long time. 

Keep up the good work Saboten! 
I will be back very soon!

Saboten (Changi Airport T1)
80 Airport Boulevard
#031-004 Changi Airport Terminal 1
Tel: 6214 9504
Opening Hours: 8am to 1030pm

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Forever 22: Updates

Mum bought a Mango Mousse Cake from Crystal Jade. 
I really like the unique shape and flawless mango jelly layer with minimal design. 

The inside is even more beautiful!

Check out the layers of chocolate cake and thick creamy mango mousse. 
Drop dead delicious. 
The mango mousse isn't too sweet and the chocolate cake balanced out the mousse nicely so that it won't get too jelat. 

I put up a recruitment drive and these are the people who answered the ad. 
My pleas for company and dinner has been satisfied. 

The menu is a bit ahem.. I think it's my fault. 

Apparently this is a pre-requisite pose that I have to do with my presents. 

Yay I like this shot alot, except I look like I have no body. 

Thanks for forcing us all to do this. 
R's face is the most epic though M's look kinda like..Niu Mo Wang in Journeys to the West. 

So pretty :)

Thanks for the really really awesome presents! I can have 20 Doraemons on my finger and toe nails now. 
Epic. I shall wear my Doraemon t-shirt to match too! 

Look out for the food reviews coming up soon!

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Breaking Dawn: Part 2

Photo Credit: HERE

Finally caught the last part of the Twilight saga. 

I stand by my views, I like the book, I like the movies, I like Kristen Stewart, and I like this last movie.
I don't care what critics say, or what Twilight haters are gonna say, or what Kristen Stewart haters think. 
Kristen Stewart makes a perfect Bella and I like Twilight. 

There is this comparison going online between Harry Potter and Twilight, which IMHO, is needless. 
The only thing they have in common is that they're fiction and they like to talk about supernatural beings. Except Harry Potter puts the focus on magic and Twilight focuses more the development of the supernatural being storyline. I can enjoy both at the same time!

There's the added bonus that Bella is now a vampire in this book hohoho, I think she looks fabulous as a vampire instead of as a human. More flawless. More confident. 

Photo Credit: HERE

This is pretty interesting. 
Macho man and his over large ego losing to a supposedly weaker female. Definitely entertaining. 
I have to add, I think this scene was specifically made to show off macho man's bulging but well-defined muscles. Hehh, lots of well-timed humour in the movie, as demonstrated by said scene above. 

Photo Credit: HERE

They've found a great child actress for Renesmee, she looks positively angelic. 
I love her hair, and they somehow managed to make Bella and her daughter look alike. Amazing. 
Must be the hair. 

Photo Credit: HERE

I personally think Alice (Ashley Greene) looks great in this pixie crop! 
Very sassy and chic. 

Verdict:  3.5/5

The movie stayed true to the book, which is something that I'm very particular about when it comes to book adaptations. Lots of action, well-timed humour and adequate amount of suspense to leave you wanting more. I especially love the final scene when Bella showed Edward a series of memories from their courtship. 
Ahh..romantic. All those fantasy-haters or vampire-haters you can skip this. 
But for me, I think it's pretty worth it. 

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December: Of Birthdays and Laughter

Everyone has already been 22 for an entire year, and actually..so have I. 
LOL except that I'm only officially turning 22 now, when the whole world has been officially 22 for the entire year. Very slowwww.. but as I've always associated the month of December with holidays, winter, snow, happiness, rest, sleep, play, vacations, I am perfectly happy to wait til this month to grow older. 

Ahem, as my banner indicated, age is just a number (I hope) and I shall be forever young!! 
Young at heart la lolol I'm not an immortal what were you thinking?! 

But I do hope that as the number increases, wisdom follows suit too. 

I only have one birthday wish this year, and I shall use The Secret to help me attain it. 
Powers that be, grant me some luck, and maybe intelligence too. 
Happy birthday to me! 

P.S. Shall post some birthday pictures soon (hopefully food) so you can drool too. :)

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"The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating it." Hi! My name is Sarahh and I love to eat. Hop on to my blog for an exciting journey with me.



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