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2012, A RollerCoaster Ride

2012 is basically a year of discoveries, betrayal and acceptance. It hasn't been a very pleasant year, lots of ups and down. There were numerous turning points in my life this year that has drastically altered my world view and mindset. I guess you can call them lessons in life, because despite being demoralized, depressed and even disappointed, I felt that I've learnt alot this year.

Alot of things happened this year that I couldn't bring myself to accept. 
A good friend told me that I don't have to embrace acceptance if I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I couldn't, so I didn't.

I don't want to force myself to do anything.
I decided that the best way for me to deal with the massive upheavals, unforgivable changes, the backstabbing and betrayals, is to not think about them. Out of sight, out of mind.

It's like a huge reconstruction of the mind.
I stop thinking about the negative moments, I stop associating myself with the people involved in said negative moments, and I immerse myself fully in activities that I love.

At times like this, I finally understand the lesson I was supposed to learn this year. Some people are not meant to stay in your life. So do what you gotta do. Cut your losses before you lose yourself in the process. You gain friends when you lose, this is so that you can make space in you life for the truly worthy.   

So, to the people who have disappointed me, I'm glad that I've learnt something from the experience.
Thank you for disappointing me so much, that I felt it was finally time to part.
Thank you for letting me know that I deserve better people in my life.
Goodbye and good riddance.

I can proudly say that I cut my losses before I lost myself, and in the process, I made a really good friend this year who is definitely worth his weight in gold.
 Life has been good to me. :)

I believe everything happens for a reason, people come into or leave your life so you can learn something about yourself. I'm glad I didn't run away instead.

Welcome 2013.
Welcome a brand new me.

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