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I heard great reviews about this drama and I HAVE to watch it. 

Starring Yamashita Tomohisa and Horikita Maki, this drama tells the story of Kurosaki (Tomohisa) who is a swindler who targets other swindlers, and of Tsurara (Horikita) who is a legal student who aspires to be a prosecuter. You can see the contradicting parts in this pairing already, can't you? 

The above are two of my favourite scenes in this movie. 
The humane side of Kurosaki and the playful nature of Tsurara. 

Yamashita Tomohisa in his various dramas. 

So far, I've watched Lunch Queen and Code Blue and that was when I finally noticed Yamapi as a promising young Japanese actor. His acting is not superb, and you can't compare him to Kimura Takuya, but I think Yamapi has talent. There's still space for improvement. 

The bimbotic thing is every time I see him on screen, I feel tempted to squeal like an idiot and just go 

Irresistable, except Matsuda Shota still beats Yamapi hands down as the better swindler in Liar Game
But I don't think that's his fault, Liar Game was simply a much better script with more complex swindling schemes. Nevertheless, I enjoyed both dramas tremendously. 

Verdict: 4/5

I love the plot, the characters, the relationships and..I like Yamapi.
By the way, don't waste your time on the Kurosagi Movie, that one is a total flop.
Just watch the drama, it's thrilling and exciting enough. 

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Bomba Paella Bar

Alight at Somerset MRT, exit to the skateboarding area at Scape, and proceed to walk towards Kiliney Road. Be prepared to walk 107meters, which is approximately a 10 minute walk that feels like eternity. 
You will pass by at least 6 high class condominiums before you reach the place. 

Yes I know it's quite out of the way, but I guess it's a good experience. 

Wed Special: Squid + Beer

We ordered the Wednesday special, beer with squid. 

I like the squid! Doused with chopped tomato that's been cooked til soft, and squid still retains the bounciness and freshness. Yumm. 


One of the side dishes we ordered, is the deep fried potato. 
This is pretty good, the tomato sauce is spicy, and the generous sprinkling of garlic really turns this seemingly normal dish into something more special. 

We also ordered their GALINA,CARACOLES & ESPARRAGO PAELLA, which is a rustic blend of chicken, snails and asparagus cooked in a chicken stock. The other paella dish we tried is LANGOUSTINE SQUID & PRAWNS PAELLA. This is a seafood paella, cooked with tomatoes and seafood stock. I really like this seafood paella. The seafood is fresh, and paella rice has absorbed all the good stuff and every mouthful is flavourful. The chefs only use seafood stock and absolutely no salt in this dish, so the flavour all comes from the seafood. No wonder their rice tastes so good! 

Raisin Pedro X Ice Cream

For desserts, we tried out the rum and ice cream. I must say this really tastes quite divine. 
The hint of alcohol and the vanilla ice cream blended very well together to create this really unique flavour. 

Verdict: 4/5

The food is really fresh and good, and I really love the ambience. This place is perfect for a gathering with a small group of close friends, just chit chat and good food. 

However, I would like it better if I weren't so broke after this meal. 
I guess, good food comes with a price tag huh.

Bomba Paella Bar
38 Martin Road

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Photo Credit HERE

It amuses me sometimes when people come up to me and say, "hey I read your blog, was that entry targeted at this person?" 

All I can say is, I don't use my blog to write personal attacks.

But I write my entries based on what I see as a whole, a society norm that I feel is not right.
It is not based on a single person's actions alone, but rather on many people's actions. 

So if you feel that entry reminds you of a certain person, then you can make you own deductions. 
But hey, if the shoe fits..why not?
Maybe the person you know is guilty of something like that. Hah!



Here's my secret to a super-quick breakfast! 

Daiso Cake Mixes! 

There are 3 flavours to choose from, and as usual everything is $2.
One box comes with 2 packets of cake mix. 

Now let's ogle some muffins!


All you need is an egg and a microwaveable cup.

This is my favourite flavour, I like the subtle hint of mocha and the strong flavour of chocolate. 


This is sooooo good. I thought it might taste like milk which would be off-putting. 
But this is really good, kinda creamy but it tasted exactly like a vanilla cake. 


Possibly my least favourite flavour, which is a pity because I thought caramel would taste delicious. 

I like caramel, but if you were to compare this to the other two flavours, then this would lose out on the intensity of the taste. Somehow, this just doesn't leave as good an impression as the Mocha-Chocolate. 

Nevertheless, it made for a good and quick breakfast. I'll probably purchase the Mocha-Chocolate flavour again, hehh, love the intensity of the chocolate and hint of coffee. Yumm. 

Verdict: 4/5

Easy and delicious.

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Do You Have A Best Friend?

There is no such thing as a best friend.

Photo Credit: HERE

This is something that I've realized this year, there is no such thing as a best friend. There are strangers, acquaintances, classmates, colleagues, friends, good friends, buddies but no such thing as best friends.

So yes, I have close buddies, I have good friends, I have one or two confidantes, but I don't believe in best friends anymore.

I used to believe in best friends. I really do.

Photo Credit: HERE

In primary school, I had 2 best friends.
One of them was a boy and we took the school bus to school everyday. The other one was a girl and we were in the same class. The biggest contrast between my two friends, was that the girl was totally not best friend material. She was nasty, she talked behind my back, she was selfish, she accused me of acting naive, she was jealous that I was made the class monitor with the boy - my other best friend.

In short, she didn't pass the best friend test. If I were to give her a score on the best friend scale, she would score a 2 out of 10. As for the boy, we lost touch after we graduated. Facebook being the typical powerful social media network that it is, has helped me get back in touch with this friend after 10years. But we were no longer 12 years old and no we weren't best friends anymore. But he was like a brother to me and even though we seldom talked now, I'm just content to know that he's doing very well. That's enough for me.

Stage 1 conclusion:
The one I thought was my best friend, turned out to be someone horrible and not who I thought they were.
The other one who was my best friend faded to only an acquaintance.

Photo Credit: HERE

Enter Stage 2: The Teenage Years.

In secondary school, I made a few friends, and I have had my fair share of best friends too. But I realized some friends wanted me around only because my presence dissolved any rumors that might arise from their constant interaction (read: flirting) with guys. I thought I knew them, but on hindsight, I probably never really knew them even after 4 years together.

Stage 2 conclusion: 
10 years of education and a dozen friends later, the people whom I once called my best friends weren't worth that much of my time or effort. 

So if I were to count with my 10 fingers how many close friends and buddies do I have left now, I can safely tell you that after counting with my 10 fingers, I still have surplus. Surplus sounds very horrible like I have too many fingers lol but okay, what I meant was I have less than 8 of such friends left. The older you grow, the more you find that you don't need so many friends. Not really. But that doesn't really matter because the ones who are still sticking around are all awesome in their own unique way.

Photo Credit: HERE

There's this episode in Code of Law about a girl Mei Li being held captive and tortured for 2 days, she then suffered a seizure while escaping and died of cardiac arrest. 

Her attacker was her best friend. 

Before you feel pity for the victim, allow me to share with you that it was the victim who spread nasty rumours about the perpetrator in school. It was the victim who stole the perpetrator's boyfriend and even got pregnant. It was the victim who had an affair with the perpetrator's father. 

The perpetrator had deep-seated resentment about her so-called best friend. Yes, the perpetrator Lydia had no right to act on her impulses, however angry she might be. But what I want to say is, we all have a bit of Lydia in us because like it or not, we have all known a Mei Li in our life. Maybe not that extreme a Mei Li, but nevertheless a toxic friend. We just never pulled a Lydia, but we cannot deny we all have a bit of Lydia in us especially when dealing with a friend like Mei Li. 

Do Best Friends Exist? 

I don't think such a person actually exists.

Photo Credit: HERE

I don't believe in a best friend because the term "best" meant that it has reached a level that none can surpass. I think it's too huge a burden to bestow on any human being. To have to bear the burden and weight of being the "best" at anything is already a difficult task, let alone being the "best" friend to another human being. Giving another human being the title of "best friend" dictates a certain level of commitment and expectation from them. I have long since learnt not to expect so much from others.

Photo Credit: HERE

Instead, expect more from yourself, because life will be easier. Of course, don't give blindly la. If you gave blindly, you'll just become like me. Sometimes I regret putting in so much effort into a friendship only to have it come to nothing. Even though everyone says it's the journey that matters and not the destination, you will want a destination because you have invested time and heart into the friendship. But, what can you do. This is life and life is a bed of roses. Pretty on the outside but full of thorns on the inside. 

Photo Credit: HERE

Best friends is just another name for transitional friends.
You won't have best friends at every stage of your life, and neither will your best friend at age 14 stay on indefinitely to be your best friend at 24. They might stay, and they might not.

This person may be your best friend when you were 14, or throughout secondary school.
But I have this idea that once you grow out of that phase, you'll be able to have a clearer idea what kind of  person your "best friend" is.

There are only 3 possibilities. 

1. You changed, outgrew the childishness. 
2. They changed, far beyond your recognition. 
3. They were always this way, but you couldn't see it. 

When you're in a controlled environment such as school, you look for friends whom will help you get through the years in school. You bond. You thought you were best friends. But after you outgrow your schooldays, get out of the controlled environment when you had to bond for survival, you start to open your eyes to the type of person your best friend really was. 

So if you were to ask me now, do I have a best friend?

My answer will be no.
No, I do not have a best friend because the term is too heavy, and also I prefer to put more faith in myself.

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Brotzeit: A Taste of Germany

We are adventurous. 
Adventurous people try out cool things. 
Such as German food haha! 

So yes off we go to Brotzeit for a some German food!


The Brotzeit platter for 4 or 5 pax comes with 1 deep fried pork knuckle, German sausages, 2 pork schnitzels and some pickles. The portion is just nice if you share among 4 person.

This dish came to us in a oblong "plate" , if your definition of a plate is an oblong slice of wood hacked off a huge tree trunk. Totally rustic and country. 

The sausages were delicious, very juicy and fresh. The pork schnitzel is unfortunately, the least favourite item on the platter. It was pretty tough. My wrists got tired from trying to slice them up, and then my jaws got tired from chewing. As for the pork knuckle, it is amazing. Crispy. There is no other word to describe it. When you bite into it, the skin just goes "KRRR..UNCH!", you can feel it bursting and the crunchy bits just fly about in your mouth. The pork meat is tender and flavourful. Oishii!! 

The platter comes with 2 side dishes so here we go..


This is..flour. 
Buttered flour. 
Tasted a little like thick mee pok doused in mac & cheese sauce. 
Okay okay so maybe this wasn't to my taste, but I guess it was a novelty to try something different. 


This is hands down the best wedges I've ever tasted. 
Golden brown, crispy on the outside soft and fluffy on the inside. 
The spices took the taste one level higher, just the right amount of pepper, salt and spice. 

If you ever visit Brotzeit, this is a must order. 

Verdict: 4/5

I quite like the ambience, a little noisy, very much crowded, suitable for gatherings with friends. 
The food wasn't too bad, especially if you're looking to try something new, sample German food, then I would suggest you come with a group and order the platter. 
All the famous foods that comes to mind when you mention Germany. 
It's literally Germany on a plate. 

313@Somerset, Singapore

Discovery Walk at 313@Somerset
313 Orchard Road #01-27 
Singapore 238895

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Vote for Me? Please *_*

Hi guys, I've entered myself in a photo competition hosted by SG Travellers. 
The theme is Taiwan Farmstay. 
Only the top 10 photos with most votes get to be judged by a panel of judges. 

Do me a favor and help vote for me please? :)


Thank you!!!! 

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Lunch Queen

Takeuchi Yuko was fabulous. 


Independent, sassy, street-smart, vulnerable, hardworking. I love everything about this character and the way it was portrayed. 

Welcome to Kitchen Macaroni!

Photo Credit HERE

I like this drama because of the overwhelming food shots. 
Also because I am a huge fan of Takeuchi Yuko. 

The storyline is well-structured, characters well-defined, and I learnt alot about Japanese food in this drama. 
The most outstanding thing about this drama is that the story is centered around this brilliant quote by Johann Wolfgang (who is incidentally my favourite go-to for quotes, most of my favourite quotes are from him), which they translated into Japanese.


“If you've never eaten while crying you don t know what life tastes like.”

Yes, this is one of a better dramas with heart. I can totally relate to this quote. 
Thumbs up. Definitely. 

Verdict: 4/5

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Cinnamon Cookies

These are piped cookies. 
Piped cookies mean you put them through  a piping bag and squeeze out the mixture. 

I don't have a piping bag and all those fancy whatnot, just had to make do with a clean clear kitchen plastic bag, cut a small hole at the corner and voila, your own DIY piping bag, Cheap and easy. 

The coloured gems are actually real fruit jam. 

Just melt them over hot water and spoon it onto the cookie when it's baked. 

Tadahh.. piped cookies are really very fun indeed. I especially enjoyed the piping process. 
It's quite..a stress reliever. The recipe is from The Golden Book of Cookies. Just google it or get it from Kino if you're interested. 


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"The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating it." Hi! My name is Sarahh and I love to eat. Hop on to my blog for an exciting journey with me.



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