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Bak Kut Teh

A bowl of piping hot Bak Kut Teh is always a welcome to the tummy as well as the heart.
Especially on a cold rainy day, a steaming bowl of Bak Kut Teh warms you up from the inside and fills you with loads of love! 

I think my mum makes very awesome Bak Kut Teh, if not there is a stall in Yishun around blk 400 plus that sells kickass Bak Kut Teh too!!

But I think the weather is a little too hot for this delicacy now, might get a nosebleed instead haha! 
I love them with loads of pepper, dark soy sauce with the cut chili!

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Ryusei no Kizuna

Ryusei no Kizuna, Galileo and Meitante no Okite. 
All written by the same author and then filmed into dramas. 
All equally fantastic, following similar concepts regarding murder and mystery, but presented in three utterly different ways. The fantastic thing is they are all equally heartwarming and memorable. 

Yes it's in Japanese hahaha! I can explain to you but I think that would giveaway too much of the plot. 
Let's just do an overview. 

14 years ago, the Ariake siblings - Koichi, Taisuke, Shizuna, lost their parents in a ruthless murder. 
The Ariake siblings survived only because they sneaked out at midnight to watch the Leo shooting stars, and missed the murderer. 

They were sent to an orphanage and depended on each other for survival. 
The case of their parents' murder was unsolved. 

The orphanage director looked after the siblings like they were his own children, even when they were grown up. The two brothers Koichi and Taisuke worked in his shops. 

It so happened that Shizuna got cheated of her money once, and in order to get her money back, Koichi devised a plan for revenge. However this turned into a semi-addiction and they went about cheating people. Koichi is the mastermind and scriptwriter, while Taisuke and Shizuna executed the plans. 

Along the way, they discovered their parents' murderer and the reason behind it. 

14 years ago, the Ariake siblings lost their parents in a ruthless murder, and they vowed to kill the murderer together when they grow up. 

14 years later, they found the murderer. 
Now they had to make the choice whether to kill him or forgive him. 

What will Koichi, Taisuke and Shizuna do?
Watch it to find out!

The verdict:

5/5 stars! Definitely worth a watch. 
If you missed this, you are definitely missing out on a fantastic and heartwarming story of kinship, friendship and love. 

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Don't Invite Me To Your Wedding

I recently read this article in Straits Times about wedding invitations. 
Ever since I received my first ever wedding invitation last year, I've been feeling very strongly about this subject. More so when I read on and realized this reporter is pissed she wasn't invited to share the joy but to fill the seats instead. 

Let me consolidate my version of:
 Wedding Invites Pet Peeves 

1. Share the Joy, Not Fill The Seat

My very first wedding invitation was exactly as the reporter described - just to fill the seat. 
I wasn't given advanced notification and the person getting married is someone I don't know, so yes I don't really care about them at all. It is none of my business whether they're married or divorced. 

If I attended, it would be because of certain political reasons. But I didn't in the end, because I really couldn't bring myself to sit at some random person's wedding for 3 hours on a Sunday evening, surrounded by people I already see on weekdays. I need my rest. 

Honestly, weekends are a break for me. A break from seeing those people I have to see on weekdays. 
A wedding dinner on Sunday night and I don't even know who the hell you are? 
So sorry, I'll just give the bare minimum red packet amount because you are rude enough to give me the invitation right at the last minute. Hate the whole "received-invitation-must-give-red-packet" unspoken rule. 

Do everyone a favor, invite only those who truly care about the couple and save the rest of us some time, money and trouble. That way, you won't have excess seats waiting to be filled. 

2. New-Age Invitations

The most irritating things about new-age weddings now is the inappropriate use of social media for wedding invitations. 

Call me traditional, but I feel that if you want to invite someone to your wedding, the least you could do is print the damn invite and send it to me. So no, a Facebook event or a Whatsapp / Viber / Line invite is not socially acceptable. 


If you ever invite me to your wedding using the above methods, please be prepared that I will skip it. 
No sincerity at all!!!

There are people who use the Facebook event function as a gauge so they can estimate how many people are going, so they can print the appropriate number of invitations to mail out. This is perfectly reasonable. But if you think just by clicking the RSVP button on Facebook qualities as a legitimate wedding invitation, please wake up your idea.

3. Inaccurate Timings

Too often I have attended wedding dinners that state it starts at 7pm sharp, but the truth is often far from it. When it states 7pm, 80% of the guests turn up late. The actual time is ah hour plus later.
So minus all the wedding fanfare such as bride and groom making an entrance, you only get to eat at around 8.30 or 9pm.


That is the time to start relaxing myself and drinking some warm milo, getting myself ready for bed. Not sitting down to a 10 course dinner that will end at 11pm.

When it says 7pm, please start the damn thing at 7pm.
If you're going to be late, you can jolly well be late. Nobody will wait for you. Eat whatever that's left.

In any case, nobody should be late anyway. It's impolite. 

Imagine it's your wedding, and your guests are late.
It really puts a damper on things, so guests should always strive to be punctual.  

And with that I conclude I rarely enjoy attending wedding dinners/lunch/solemnizations.

What about you, are there any wedding invitation pet peeves that you feel strongly about?
Please feel free to share them with me!

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Caramel Corn

Oh yay oh yay Caramel Corn is delicious.

Sweet and crunchy and sinful but.. 

 Eat first, think later. 
Good motto. 

What's your favourite sinful snack? ;)

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Boku to Star no 99 Nichi

A Korean and Japanese collaboration, featuring a heartwarming love story between a beautiful actress and a lowly bodyguard. 

Honestly, I watched this for Nishijima Hidetoshi because I loved his character as Kikuta in Strawberry Night. 

Even though the scenery was gorgeous, the characters lively and the punchlines fantastic; I find the whole story kinda lacklustre. However heartwarming, one must admit that it is not a very refreshing storyline. In fact, this kinda plot is reminiscent of another Taiwanese drama about falling in love with an actress. I even recall another Korean drama about falling in love with a famous tennis player. All of them were similar in plot. Not refreshing. 

So, this is entirely watchable if you really had nothing better to do or if you adore these kinda plots. 
If not, there's no loss in giving this drama a pass. I assure you, there are better ones out there more worth your precious time. 

The verdict: 3/5 stars

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Japanese Curry Rice

Do you love the curry rice~ the curry rice~ the curry rice~
Do you love the curry rice~~~
Eat them all day longgggg


Love those packets of curry cubes that they sell at NTUC, it makes for a quick and delicious lunch!
Loads of ingredients inside, you can add whatever you like actually. 

I used to love curry rice so much that this is the only thing I will order when the family goes to Japanese restaurants. The only reason I look at the menu is to choose between the Ebi Curry or the Tonkatsu Curry set. HAHA! Totally curry junkie back then, now I do try different dishes as opposed to just ordering the same thing all the time. 

I like it best when Mum adds in green apples cubes! So crunchy and refreshing. 
Curry curry curry. Reminds me of Ginza Bairin's Curry Tonkatsu, I love a good curry! 

Gonna feature our tradional chicken curry soon! 
First, I need to beg my mum to make that dish haha! 

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Is It Okay to Hate Mynas?

Image credit here

This post is inspired by this article I read on Thought Catalog.

I really really really abhor mynas. There are just so many of them in my neighbourhood and all they do is squawk and squawk and squawk. 

I really think my hate for mynas is perfectly justifiable. 
Let me tell you why.

1. They Eat In Coffeshops

Have you seen these birds in the coffeeshops, pecking away at half empty bowls?

It's mad unhygienic and super disgusting! These birds have long since forgotten their fear of humans. They will continue to feast as long as there is a scrap of food left.

Even though the hawkers wash the bowls and cutleries, I am technically sharing the same bowl as the myna!

2. They Squawk Outside Your Window

They do. In the morning at 5 or 6am, they land outside your window ledge in twos and threes. They then proceed to squabble with their fellow myna friends at the crack of dawn.

Then at 5pm when you're taking a nap because the stupid birds woke you up in the morning, they start squawking again!

3. They Make Nests in HDB Roofs 

If you need proof, please refer to this article here 
Making nests in roofs is unpardonable! This explains for the extremely high noise level in the early morning and evenings! They wake up and land in nearby trees, squawk non-stop and sometimes gets into birdy squabbles with their birdy counterparts!!!

 Can you imagine the immense noise level when that happens? 
It's sheer madness. 

Now you know why I abhor mynas. 
On hindsight, now that I've listed out my reasons for hating them, I think it is actually alright for me to dislike mynas. 

So yes, to answer the title of this post..

It is okay to hate mynas!

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The Asian Kitchen - Lu Gang Xiao Zhen

Dining for the first time at The Asian Kitchen - Lu Gang Xiao Zhen with good friends. 
We had no idea what to order, Foodie #1 decided to take maters into her own hands and order for us. 


Amazing sinful stuff. 

Crispy, fragrant and insanely sinful. 
Though it says here pork belly, I can hardly taste or see any glistening fat layers. Very nice. 


This is reminiscent of my grandma's home-cooked stir-friend potato leaves. 
The taste is just superb! Loads of fragrant garlic, yummy!

To be honest, their steamed rice is amazing too. Soft and fluffy, the potato leaves goes really well with the rice. Mouthful after mouthful, can't stop. 


This is a pretty good omelette. Golden yellow, and full of stuffings. 


Whoa this is the best man. 
My first time eating roast pork, and this set such a high standard that I really imagine if I will eat cheapo roast pork again hahaha! 

The fats and the meat totally melt together to create this perfect taste, plus the mega crispy layer of skin on top. Roast meat heaven. 

Foodie #1 definitely had good taste ;)
I think I can say for sure, Foodie #2, #3 and me enjoyed the meal alot. 

Lu Gang Xiao Zhen (Asian Kitchen) @ ION Orchard
2 Orchard Turn 
#B3-22 ION Orchard 
Singapore 238801 

Tel: +65 6509 1128

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Air Matrixx Keychain

Redeemed this Air Matrixx Keychain some time back. 
It's really cute! There's some foot reflexology pop-ups imitation on the keychain. 

Supposedly it mimics the real Air Matrixx slippers, and the pop-ups act as some foot massaging function. Pretty cool huh.. 

I haven't decided where I should hang this keychain yet!! 
Maybe on my pencil case...hmmm..


Braised Pork, Mushrooms, Egg

I have many favourite food, one of them being thissssss! 

Braised pork with loads of big fat juicy mushrooms, complete with braised hard boil eggs!!!
I'm kinda starving a little just looking at this photo. 
Mummyyyy cook this soon please! 

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Social Media Overshare #2


I was inspired to do another article on Facebook oversharing after reading this article on Thought
Catalog. Part one of the oversharing series I wrote can be found here. 

Sometimes I see things on Facebook that makes me think that people don't know what are the appropriate things to share on social media. 

Here we go! Are you making the same mistakes as well?!

1. Trysts Photos / Motel Photos / One Night Stand Shots

I am sure you get the gist. These are all grouped under the same category because they all mean the same thing anyway. I am 100% sure that I don't want to know of your numerable conquests in one night, nor am I interested to know that you are that easy a person. 

This opinion stands no matter if we've known each other a decade or you are just someone I used to go to school with 5 years ago. 

Your copulation partners and frequency is none of my business. 

I know it is not nice to judge someone, but when you post pictures like that on social media, you are putting yourself out for judgement. Whether you like it or not, people will form an impression about the type of person you are based on that. 

Why do you feel it's necessary to share pictures like this with your entire Facebook friends list?! 
It doesn't make sense at all. If you're guilty of this, please repent now. 

2. Vacation Shots with Your Significant Other 

When I see pictures like this, I feel exactly like the author said on Thought Catalog. 
"This trip must’ve cost so much money. How does anyone afford anything? Do you get paid to be in love these days? Is there a secret love donor that sends young and in love couples on tropical vacations, so people like me can feel bad about themselves? 
God, they probably had so much sex on this trip. They were probably just screwing the entire time. All of these gorgeous backdrops are actually from Photobooth. They never even left the hotel room.  "

Enough said. The author was spot on. That was pretty darn well articulated.

3. Spamming Baby Photos

Yes you are elated about your newborn, so am I. (If I knew you well enough.) 

But kindly stop spamming 10,000 shots of your little angel and with captions such as "I'm wearing a cute bunny shirt that Mummy bought me!" 

You are I know clearly well this caption is just part of your overactive imagination. If your newborn can say that, I would be VERY INTERESTED indeed. It gets pretty annoying after awhile because those hardcore career women out there are bound to unsubscribe or delete you sooner or later. Can't deal with babies flooding up my homepage.

Worse, you create a Facebook page / account for your little angel.

 Oh imagine the horror. 

4. Drunken Shots

Unglam unglam unglam! Need I say more??! 
Especially for girls, getting drunk in itself is already an extremely ungraceful and unfeminine thing to do. Having your drunk pictures on social media is definitely a big no-no. 

How many times must I emphasize that it does not reflect well on you?!

5. Narcissistic Boob Photos

Some people like this irritating girl over-flaunts her assets on social media, so much so that one you keyed in her name in Google search, 99% of the searche are of shots of her boobs. 
Of course the guys love it, it's like legal porn. 
But I am sorely disgusted by it. 

All I think when I see these pictures are 


But I guess not, else she would have stopped doing that already. 
People now have no sense of shame anyway. Sadly. 

To conclude?

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"The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating it." Hi! My name is Sarahh and I love to eat. Hop on to my blog for an exciting journey with me.



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