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The Nature Lab
TheNatureLab: Oxygen Shield Bubble Mask

I redeemed mine!!!!! 
So excited!

It's a total steal! TheNatureLab were giving away 15 retail size bottles of their mask every Friday, and one day, I happened to wake up early and catch the them when the giveaway just began!! 

Faster click redeem hahaha! It was retailing at SGD 48.90 okay! They were actually giving it away for free, so all I had to pay was the SGD 2.99 POSTAGE FEE. 

So yes, technically, I got my retail size mask for only SGD 2.99!

Once I saw this bulky envelope with  The Sample Store logo on it, I knew it must be the mask arriving!

Looks awesome! I love the brown and yellow packaging, the flowers design looks really classy. 


It's an 8-in-1 mask! 

How to not feel excited?!

So I tried it out and I think..


It's actually a slightly sticky clear gel, but it gets stickier upon contact with human skin. The steps are really simple, it's the quickest mask I've ever done. 

1. You apply it evenly onto face. Note it's a clear gel. 
2. As the seconds tick by, the clear gel turns whitish, and a little foam-like.
3. You gently massage it and wait a couple seconds. You should be able to hear a fizzing sound.
4. Then wet your hands slightly and massage again for a couple seconds.
5. Let it sit, your skin needs time to absorb. By now it would have become all white and fizzed out.
6. At this step, the mask have become more gel-like again. Wash away with warm water. 

I know it seems like plenty of steps, but all of the steps require no more than 2 mins, you can complete this mask in under 10 minutes. 

My skin feels smoother, cleaner, whiter and even super hydrated after that!

If you're still skeptical, stop wondering now. Try it out for yourself! 

Become a fan of TheNatureLab FB !

Womderfully hydrated and clean, your journey to beautiful skin is waiting for you! :)

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What is fish collagen? 

It's this new hassle-free health and beauty supplement where you can consume it right off the sachet.

The coolest thing is it comes in 3 very fruity and fun flavours! 

Blueberry, Lemon and Mango!

As our skin ages, we lose collagen and skin elasticity, Avalon Collagen Powder helps to replenish the collagen in our body and regain skin elasticity and cells regeneration powers!

My samples arrived in the mail and look! I have 3 sachets, 1 of each flavour!

There are 2 ways to consume it. You can either down in dry - powder form, or you can add it into your morning beverage and drink it. It is best consumed first thing in the morning, before a meal or at night, before you sleep. I drank mine with my morning cup of honey water, it tastes really good! A light hint of mango flavour mixed in with my honey water, yum yum! 


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Just a Kiss

New song from Lady Antebellum - Just A Kiss. This is their lead single from the upcoming album Own the Night.

There is something oddly mesmerizing and touching about this music video that makes me watch it over and over and over again..and I'm still loving it. :)


Super Duper Moisturizer from Japan!


Look at all the colorrful and pretty tins! Makes a girl screams in delight and just wanna grab them ALL home for yourself! Don't even try to kid yourself, you know you want it! haha!

Steamcream is a very very good moisturizer that's made in Japan, it's very suited to dry skin as it's ultra hydrating. Skin that's exposed to all your daily harmful elements are suited too! All that air-con is gonna wreck havoc on your skin!!! Even though it's very moisturizing, it's not oily at all. The minute it touches your skin, it breaks down and gets absorbed immediately. Suitable for face, hand and even body, you can say goodbye to dry and itchy skin for good!

Steamcream is packages in a Japanese designed, flushed-lid aluminium tin. Once it's sold out, each eye-catching piece becomes a LIMITED EDITION collectible and also a usable piece of art. You can recycle the tins for an exciting afterlife haha! How cool is that?!

I can hear you skeptics saying.. are you sure it's THAT good??! Let's take a look at their ingredients then you can judge for yourself if it's worth it. 



Almond oil is made from crushed almonds for Steamcream because it contains proteins, minerals and Vitamin E - highly nutritious for your delicate skin!


It is the main ingredient in Steamcream. Oats are famous for their moisturizing and soothing effects, especially for dry skin. When oats are steeped in water to form an infusion, they release a soothing milk, rich in minerals and Vitamin E! Which is why oats have been used for hundreds and hundreds of years as a form of natural skincare ingredient!


Orange flower water is made from the essential oil of the orange tree's white flowers. It is said to be able to improve skin's elasticity so it's a miracle cure for dry and mature skin types.


We all know lavender is known for its's soothing and calming properties, hence it's being added into the blend of Steamcream ingredients. It has antiseptic components and can help to sooth dry or sore skin. 


This is cold-pressed organic jojoba oil. We all know jojoba oil is SUPER HYDRATING and MOISTURIZING, so it's only fitting that it's being used in Steamcream! Jojoba oil is a very light vegetable oil, and along with the almond oil, they make a very light and non-greasy cream that is easily absorbed by our skin. 

All the ingredients in Steamcream are combined together then they are....


Hence the name STEAMCREAM! :) HAHAHA!
The steam process blends all the natural and traceable vegan ingredients for a deeper reaching all-in-one cream. As it's au naturel, Steamcream breaks down immediately once it comes into contact with the skin, which is why it's so moisturizing!

I bought a tin for Mum! 
Had a tough time choosing the designs! They're all so cute and classy and pretty!

It's a pale ivory white colour cream, very light and non-greasy. 
The best thing is it's really really good! Highly moisturizing and hydrating. Mum used it on her legs which are super dry and patchy and there're flaky skin too. Eucks! 

But the next day, her legs were ULTRA SMOOTH. The flakes are gone, the patchy patches are gone, the dry skin is gone! MIRACLE CURE! 

I think I might go get a tin for myself as well, it's by far the best moisturizer I've ever seen. None of the moisturizers have ever worked on my legs too. The awesome tins are a bonus. *winks*

They retail at SGD 25.90 and are exclusively available at: 


Promotion NOW!

Purchase 2 tins of Steamcream and get a REUSABLE GIFT BAG FOC. 

What are you waiting for?! 
Go get it NOW! :)

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I forgot to blog about these!

Awesome GREEN TEA BB CREAM, smells heavenly!  Comes with SPF 30  sunscreen, no worries about getting burnt or having too much stuff on your face!

This OIL CONTROL WHITENING CREAM is a godsend! It smells wonderful, not to mention the oil control REALLY WORKS! My freckles and uneven coloring in certain areas have all lightened considerably! 
Awesome awesome! :))

Redeem NOW! 

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Starring Scarlett Johansson and Hugh Jackman, Scoop is a comedy mystery thriller film and was released in 2006. An American journalism student Sondra Pransky - Scarlett Johansson scoops a big story while holidaying  in London, and begins an affair with an aristocrat Peter Lyman - Hugh Jackman as the incident unfurls.

Watch the trailer! I love the soundtrack, it's sort of comedic yet it creates a kind of mysterious mood. 

In the funeral of the famous British journalist Joe Strombel, his colleagues and friends recall how obstinate he was while seeking for a scoop. Meanwhile the deceased Joe discloses the identity of the tarot card serial killer of London. He cheats the Reaper and appears to American student of journalism Sondra Pransky - Scarlett Johansson, who is on the stage in the middle of a magic show of the magician Sidney Waterman - Woody Allen in London, and tells her that the murderer is the aristocrat Peter Lyman - Hugh Jackman. 

Sondra drags Sid in her investigation, seeking for evidences that Peter 
is the killer. They got into the exclusive upper-class club that Peter Lyman frequents and plots a way to get to know him.

Sid Waterman: You're a pretty girl. You know, I think you could probably get this guy to get interested in you.                                                                                                                                                          Sondra Pransky: Oh, you're silly...
Sid Waterman: Yeah, particularly if he's got a twisted mind. 

They decide that she'll pretend to have a cramp in her legs and drown HAHAHAHA! Stupidest idea I've ever heard, but seeing as there isn't a life guard and Peter is the only person in the pool, it'll be heartless if he left her to drown.

Look at the conversation below, you're so gonna double up over in laughter!

Sondra Pransky: Look, I can't just go up to him and say, "Hi, how are you?" I mean, it would make him suspicious. So, you know - anything - he gets... put off or... 
Sid Waterman: Drown! 
Sondra Pransky: What? 
Sid Waterman: Drown! Drown! I'll go get co-, I'll go get co... 
Sondra Pransky: [shakes her head] Ach...
Sid Waterman: Listen to me! I'll go get coffee, you get a cramp. Go into the water, flounder around, you know... 
Sondra Pransky: [sighs] Ahh... 
Sid Waterman: Yes! Go ahead, sweetheart. That's, that's a great idea. He'll be obliged to save you that way and if he doesn't, you know, then I'll notify your parents. 

He is of course smitten with her at first sight. Which hot-blooded male wouldnt?! The fact that her makeup is waterproof is an added bonus.

He invites her to his place for a garden party... 
Drowning quite a success then!

Sid got introduced as Sondra's father here LOL. 

Sondra goes off with Peter to chit-chat and get a feel of his character. 

While Sid couldn't resist and had to show off his tricks at the party, claiming it's a hobby of his. 

There are quite a few memorable and hilarious quotes here and there. Sid was striking up a conversation with one of the guests and asked her what's her persuasion, which generally meant religion. He reciprocrated with a "I was born into the Hebrew persuasion, but when I got older I converted to narcissism". LOL. 

Peter Lyman: I just can't get the vision of you in your swimsuit out of my head. 
Sondra Pransky: Oh I'm glad you liked it! It was marked down! 

However, she falls in love with him and questions if Joe Strombel is right in his scoop.

Checking the papers to see if they've caught the real murderer..

The tarot card killer was caught. Peter Lyman wasn't the culprit. But he's still suspicious! Something is definitely fishy. But whattt??

He definitely lied about going away for a business trip but he appeared on the very street a prostitute got killed. It got blamed together with the tarot card killer cases. 

Sondra wasn't convinced.

Sondra Pransky: Why would Peter kill a prostitute
Sid Waterman: Because it looks bad on his resume! 


In the end, Peter Lyman tried to kill her because Sid has found out too much about the murder, too much is at stake - his image, his family, his social status. Sid was RIGHT on the spot, Peter was too involved with the prostitute he murdered, and when the chick started to blackmail him, he couldn't take it anymore. He killed her, and made it seem like it's another one of the tarot card killer's murders. Then he pushed Sondra off the boat to make it seem like a boating accident.
He thought Sondra couldn't swim. 

But poetic justice dictates that he be caught, because Sondra was faking it . She was actually captain of her swim team hahahahaha!

Watch an interview with the Scoop cast!

All in all, it was pretty exciting and definitely a good movie! 
Lots of humour, the punchlines were excellent, cracked me up a dozen times. 
I'm loving Woody Allen's films! :))

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Captain America!
Captain America is THE hero man!!

The best part? 

IT'S CHRIS EVANS PLAYING CAPTAIN AMERICA! I know what your thinking, major drools right! hahahah! He was super hot in Fantastic Four as well, but I like him with more hair! He has this almost no hair spiky do in Fantastic Four. Seems like he buffed up for his Captain role as well. *thumbs up*

The villian. 
Every hero movie needs a villian! Red skull is quite disgusting. I think the trend for villians nowadays is to be hairless and nose-less LOL. Look at Voldemort!!! He's also bald and he has no nose! 

The hot babe. 
Likewise, every hero movie needs a hot babe! Hehh this one is really not bad, bonus points to her because she can actually act! Unlike a certain model they engaged for a blockbuster movie, she can't act for nuts. 

This is too damn hilarious HAHA! I wonder how they made him so scrawny?!

Captain America is endearing in a cute way. Short, thin and scrawny, he has big aspirations of joining the army to defeat the Nazis. He's not afraid of hard work and he has a heart of gold. He has compassion. The will to protect. Not every soldier has that quality. 

It's because of his compassion that makes him a perfect candidate for a steroid boost to become the superhero everyone needs to wipe out the villians. HAHAHA! 
I call it a steroid boost because he became super hot, super buff and super tall after that. 

HAHA yes I expect it is tempting to touch so as to ascertain it's all real. LOL.

The army made him a poster boy. A complete waste of talent! But you gotta admit his awesome physique made up for that clown of a costume. 

He decided he's had enough and took off by himself to put a stop to war. 

The first time, they thought he died behind enemy lines, but he survived! 

New uniform!! More distinguished than the clown of a poster. 

The villians remind me of Darth Vader with their black ski masks. 

Captain America disappeared when he was protecting the world from a deadly plane crash after Red Skull died. So sad. :(
He had a date with the hot babe. When he finally awoke, it's 70 years later!!!! Being a superhero does have it's drawbacks afterall.. 

Which brings us to the new movie set to be released next year, The Avengers! 
You know what it means?! 
All the super buff and super hot superheros are gonna be together in one movie! I think you can nose bleed until the show ends mannnn.. =p

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