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Image Credit: HERE

I like this quote alot. 

I knew people who were constantly ragging on how they're being suppressed, unable to pursue their dreams yet all they've done is just to talk. All talk and no action. 

All I'm trying to say is that, dreams will ever only be dreams if you don't work for it. 
Even if you've achieved your dreams, you can't slack off and stop working. 

Dreams become a reality because you've put in hard work, and is not afraid of constantly working harder to keep it a reality. 

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Beauty Products I Want to Try

I am not much of a beauty junkie, but I do like to read up on the latest/interesting products and there are some beauty products out there that has piqued my interest. 

Photo Credit HERE

One of them is this! 
The BrowHaus Eyelash/Eyebrow Extension Serum. 

Supposedly it works like a mascara, you just have to apply it on your lash line every night. 
After continuous use, you'll wake up to longer, lusher lashes! 
Sounds magical I know, but I like it that you can also brush it in the sparser areas of your eyebrows so you only get hair growth where you want it. Everything about the reviews sounds promising, except the price.
Lolol maybe I'm cheapskate la, but come on man! This is over $80 so I guess I'll have to rely on mascara and eyebrow pencil. At least until I hit jackpot, or I feel the urge to splurge. (My idea of splurging is spending $30 on a Buy 1 Get 1 Free mask promo, which is 20 pieces of masks for $30 lolol so okay, me splurging is not about to happen anytime soon.)

While I'm not too much of a beauty junkie, I do enjoy my scents. 
What I'm using now are all 5ml sample scents which I got for free lolol. They take forever to use up anyway so it doesn't really matter. What I like about this Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume is the really light and refreshing scent. There are too many perfumes in the market nowadays and most celebrity launches such as Taylor Swift's and Britney Spear's are far too sweet for my liking. This is just nice, feels like Spring has arrived. 

Photo Credit: HERE

This is definitely a blusher that I am interested to try out! 
My powder blushes simply melt off my face by midday, and it's such a hassle to reapply. I don't even bother to bring makeup out after I've applied, the only thing in my bag is my Nivea Pink Guava Lip Balm which I even forgot to use most of the time. Reviews about this tint blusher seems to be 80% positive, and I do like the color. It looks like a very natural healthy flush and it's build-able. A little bit pricy but I don't think you can trust me with money, because I am a Watsons makeup girl. I buy all my makeup from Watsons and I wait til their sales to do so too. Sometimes when in doubt, I just buy whatever's on promotion. Lol so maybe this blusher is little bit higher up the rung since I saw it at Sephora. Okay will faster finish my ZA then try this out. Unless Santa decides to gift me because I still believe in Santa. HAHA!

Photo Credit: HERE

Decleor Post-Wax Double Action Gel! 

Yes yes yes, I want to try this product! Supposedly it helps to sooth skin after epilation and it doubles as a gel to slow down hair growth too. Sounds very promising and the reviews were pretty positive too. 
Except, I have no idea where to get this. Is it available in stores in Singapore? 

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Top 5 Worst MRT Commuters

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What are the worst types of commuters you meet on the train every day? 
Let's share share! 

*Disclaimer: For literary purposes, all titles were titled Mr, but it can refer to both genders.* 

1) Mr-I-Have-Never-Heard-of-Earpieces

Image Credit: Here

Number one on my pet peeve is these kind of inconsiderate people. 
Super super hate these assholes who don't have the decency to watch their bloody shows or listen to their weird music or play noisy games on the train WITH EARPIECES.

Best thing is they do it on the morning commuting ride. Those 7am kinds where I am in optimal bitch mode due to a serious lack of sleep. I cannot tell you what I will do in these dangerous moods, especially to inconsiderate jerks like the above mentioned. Can you imagine while you're catching up on your sleep, and the sound of pinballs shooting, or noisy drama scenes rudely intrudes?

They really don't think there's something wrong with doing that. Why are there such oblivious and obtuse people around?! It amazes me that they can continue watching at full volume without a care in the world. You know what is C-O-N-S-I-D-E-R-A-T-I-O-N or not??

I mean, if it's aunties or uncles then forget they've probably never really heard of a ear piece. You can only pray you have brought along YOUR earpiece to block out the noise, or hope they alight at the next stop.

 But the young!?!
 Seriously, please go for a Public Transport Etiquette Course.

2) Mr-I-Don't-Know-How-To-Move-In

Image Credit: HERE

This is the average commuter with glue on his feet.
The idea of moving into the middle of the cabin has never occurred to them at all.
They remain blocked at the entrance for fear of some emergency so they can be the first person to jump out of the train. Despite there being a huge empty space beside them, and the crazy crowd pushing to get in, they are strangely oblivious to it.

I imagine this to be their internal OS:

We stand at the door and that's it. 
Case closed. 
Whatever happens next is none of my business hoho. 


Image Credit: HERE

Cut queue.
Queue cutter.
Act blur cut your queue.

From now on, I'm not going to be nice and let these buay paiseh people just cut my queues.
You want to be the first in queue so you can up your stakes of getting a seat?


We paid the same fare, so if you want a seat, be prepared to put in the same effort.
I waited for the current train and the crowd to disperse before I queued up.
That way I can guarantee myself a seat on the super long ride.
So I will not stand for it if you just rush over and attempt to knock me over and cut my queue.

Next time somebody does this, I'm going to tell them " Excuse me, please queue up."
As long as I'm polite, these buay paiseh people can't fault me because they are the ones at fault!

4) Mr-Snatch-For-A-Seat-Or-Die!!

Image Credit: HERE

This picture is so gory, there are really such cases of violence overseas over such a trivial matter!! 

They will push, shove, snarl all in the name of getting a seat during peak hours.
Most of the time, they are those very horrible, super kiasu and nasty aunties.

This auntie onced shoved me with her BOOBS what in the sorcery is that man.
It is non-peak period so I have no idea why she is so gan chiong. Best thing is she cut my queue too. She death glared me when I got a seat on the train. EXCUSE ME? You also had a seat so why the displeasure?! She continued to death glare me all the way until she alighted, which is only one stop away from my stop. Outright hostility and I didn't even do anything wrong!

Nasty people everywhere. Zero manners at all.

5) Mr-YELLING-On-Phone-Until-I-Alight

Their reception must have been really bad, because I have seen/heard people doing this on the train. Either that or they're hard of hearing. I've even heard /seen them SCOLD the other party on the phone. Scary.

The entire CARRIAGE of commuters were looking at the auntie but she is oblivious. So by the time I alight, I already know that her grandson has not been behaving and a certain lady by the name Shu Hua was supposed to do something but didn't in the end. It sounded very much like the plot out of a certain long-winded popular Taiwanese drama but who knows, maybe it's really her life story.

They don't realize they're yelling, that's the most amusing thing.
I really wonder how is it possible, because I've seen young people do the same too.
*rolls eyes*


Photo Credit: HERE

This sums up the bulk of nasty commuters I meet on the train everyday, major pet peeves.

I tell myself everyday that no matter what happens and especially in the face of rude and inconsiderate commuters, I must remain calm and gracious.

Through my graciousness, I will make you look  horrible in comparision. HAH!

What are your major pet peeves when it comes to taking the train?
Let's share!

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Teal the Cows Come Home Collection

The kareshi bought this for me as a surprise!
It's my first ever OPI mini collection, so much love heehee.. 

Ilove the flying cows and playful vibe of this collection, so excited to try out the colours. 

This is the first time I tried doing a colour chart where I colour-picked the shades off my nail, I even attempted to show the shimmers for the top two shades. Not superbly excellent but it still looked pretty similar to the real colours. 

Now let's take a look at the colours on my nails! 
As usual, OPI colours glides on like a silent skater on ice, very smooth.

I applied 2 coats for all the colours above, except for Mod About You and Teal the Cows Come Home. 
Mod About You is a creamy pastel colour and it goes on a teeny bit streaky, so it requires about 3 coats  for an even finish. As for Teal the Cows Come Home, the formula is a little on the watery side, so that needed about 3 - 4 coats of polish to completely even out the colour. 

A closer look at the colours. I don't dig the Mod About You pastel pink on its own, it's too sweet and girly for me taste. I might do something to it, some nail art maybe. 

I love love love the Pompeii Purple, it's such a flashy colour with slight shimmers. A little like hot pink yet a little like bright purple mixed with some maroon.

Charged Up Cherry looks so much like this manicure I did for the kareshi's ball last year. But this colour is lighter. Incidentally this is also a OPI colour except I have no idea what's the name of this colour!! Anyone knows? I love this colour, classy and feminine without being tooo girly. 

Rating: 4/5 

In conclusion, I'm loving this collection! 
A mixture of loud and tame colours, and I adore 3 out of 4 colours from this set. Not too bad. 

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My DIY Brunch

This banner is so pretty!!
My best work yet. Wait for it, I'm going to be experimenting and making more pretty banners!

What's a leisurely Saturday without brunch? 
I couldn't find Portobello mushrooms in the fridge, so I omitted that. Wasn't too hungry anyway. 
Just a simple plain omelette and hashbrowns. Yums. 

I'll try to do a full breakfast next time with bacon and mushrooms! 

In the meantime..

Image Credit: HERE

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Do you Kiss and Tell?

Image Credit: HERE

Kiss and tell:

To let everyone u know or talk to know what you are into sexually and who you doing it with. Having a big ass mouth about your personal liasons.

That is the definition as given by the urban dictionary, and this is what I want to talk about today.

The first question that popped into my mind is


Image Credit: HERE

Okay if you've been visiting some ahem places and you wanna show off to your buddies for an ego boost or something, maybeeeee I can understand it. Not that it's very respectful but at least it's a one-off thing right? 

But what I don't understand is why some guys just blab on their long-term girlfriends. 
You seriously want your buddies to know the intimate details of your time together??? 
I don't see how that makes sense really, because I've always thought that it's basic respect to keep information like this confidential. Sometimes, the things you tell your buddies in confidence gets leaked by accident. The reputation of the girl is gonna go downhill from there. 

Which leads to the second question. 


Some guys I know will tell me,  abstinence or self-control is "outdated". Even for the girls. They like it, they do it. It's common. There is this unspoken knowledge that even if they do not broadcast it to the whole world, they don't exactly boast a clean slate too.

So if that's the case, what's there to fear about "reputation"? 

Instead of saying that reputation is a thing of the past, I think a more aptly named term would be


Because nowadays..


I think I am right about the “misplaced sense of shame".

Young people nowadays simply don't give two flying hoots about reputation.
They advertise your privates to their friends over high tea and laugh at you. What does that say about your character as a person? You may not like the guy alot, but at least give him his due respect and not blab afterwards. I find it extremely rude, disrespectful and immature. Vice versa with the guys who blab too. Guys get an ego boost out of it but girls don't get anything out of it. On the contrary it just makes you look easy and cheap.

Cue the Malaysian blog case.

This is the Class A type of "Straight-Up Kiss &Tell Girls"

Image Credit: HERE

God forbid that you are doing it and stills finds pleasure in snapping your privates, adding some colour filter and had the cheek to call that "art". Girl, you have never seen real art. How about a clue, you can find them in museums. Adding a filter to your lousy grainy explicit photo does NOT make it art. It only meant you had enough money to get a smartphone/computer, and not enough of shame of realize that not everyone appreciates your so-called art.

That is not the worst.

What I abhor most  is that people like her who wants to adopt this type of "culture" AND brainwash the others to accept it because "it's very common". Especially if this type of "culture is not generally accepted in the country and society. You wanna do it, fine. That's your own problem.
Please remember that if you're unwilling to conform to society, then society can spurn you as well.

The Class B type of "Kiss &Tell Girls" are what we call the "Good Girls".

Or you can say "So-called Good Girls".

Image Credit: HERE

These girls still somewhat concerned about what people will say about them, so they TRY to convince their more impressionable friends that this type of culture is generally very common. They try to make themselves look cool. But they don't dare to let their parents or family or even friends they know who wouldn't approve find out, because that is when they get the reality check that in Singapore this is not something to be proud of. So they continue to delude themselves. They are the ones to share their intimate moments with other people because these people share the same sort of "culture". Delusions can only last that long, seriously.

You know why I abhor people like that?

Because society is not forgiving. Especially to girls.

Image Credit: HERE

Once news of your intimacy gets out, no matter how chill you are about it, it still affects people's opinions of you. Kudos to you if you don't give a fly about other people's opinions, but some people have to maintain a very professional and clean image no matter where they are.

 Once news of your intimacy gets out, you are automatically labelled as promiscious. One might think that's ridiculous, but please think, the general consensus is that if you can be so laissez faire about your own body, then you can basically do it with anybody that your hormones agree with. I regret to say youngsters, even girls nowadays are more open to exploration without a care for repercussions at all. 

I don't know what kind of a world these people think they are living in. 
If your country has this culture of not advocating self-control and everyone shares their sexual liasons with their friends...Well..then I have nothing to say. 

But what I do want to say is:

Don't try to psycho the others to accept this just cuz you're currently indulging in the "culture" yet feels a teeny bit guilty hence the need to justify your actions.

 That would classify as unnecessary brainwashing.
Just go away and drown in your hedonistic ways. 

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GCMA 2012

Ting scored free tickets for the GCMA so off we go to the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Thanks girl! Now I have an excuse to get out of my slump and start acting my age. 

Haven't stepped in there since 10 years ago for Jolin Tsai's concert. It was a free concert too. 
Yes, for the record I only attend free concerts because I prefer to spend my money on other frivolous things.

The turnout for the night was a little disappointing because S.H.E and Mayday weren't there. Instead the usual attendees such as Twins and various local talents graced the event. I really think GCMA 2012 is quite a flop, the awards get more and more ridiculous with every year, and more and more artistes are opting to take a rain check on this event. When I sat there watching it live, I can finally understand why. 

1. Light technicians must have bungled up the lighting effects. 

How is it possible to shine 4x stage lights framed around the stage into the audience's eyes throughout the entire 3 hours?! HOW? I was nearly BLINDED. I should have brought sunglasses because that is what the roving lights were doing. It shone directly into our eyes and we couldn't see a single thing. 

2. The giant screens were shrouded in darkness. 

I believe the giant screens functioned as a magnifying glass for the audience sitting at the back. Yet the screens were perpetually hidden in some obscure corner with no proper lighting to light it up. 
Instead, the harsh stage lights were strategically placed in front of the screen and it was so glaring, you can't see the damn screen. 

3. The cameraman filming closeups for the big screen. 

As I 've mentioned above, the screen functions as a magnifying glass for the audience seated at the back. But the cameraman didn't prepare the zoomed-in view for the screen. Instead of projecting a close up of the stage, most of the time they gave us the exact view we're seeing from the back. 
See what, you tell me!

But oh well, gripes aside, I do have a couple of shots from the event and some videos. It's very far hahaha but hey the colours turned out marvelous so I'm still chucking them here. 

I have no idea what they're singing. 
This is why I dislike award shows, the good and the bad all get together and you just got to endure the bad before the good comes along. 

I only like Aisha, she's quite adorable. 
Or you can say I'm biased cuz she's a Japanese and I'm amazed at her proficiency in Chinese. 
Someone gimme money and throw me in Japan for 3 months, I swear with nobody to speak English and Chinese with me, my Japanese will improve by leaps and bounds. 

Fiona Sit is so cute. I like her in Hong Kong dramas but I didn't know she sang too. 

I like her song, not bad. This girl here has the potential. 

Whoohoo she's awesome! I remember we used to play her songs softly in the office while doing our marking. She is the reason why I didn't fall asleep due to the repetitive motions. Her voice is very clean and clear, it's not very outstanding vocals but I think she can sing. That matters more than sounding different but can't sing for nuts (read: Qu Wan Ting). 

All my videos are..well..you can hardly see the artiste but you can certainly hear them! So maybe you should consider pushing the play button then minimize the window to do other things lolol.. 

This is some obscure singer from Guang Zhou and boy, can he sing! 
Cantonese songs but it's pretty good. This one, got potential too. 

There were other really good singers such as Olivia who looked really regal and charismatic, Della Ding Dang, Kit Chan, JJ Lin and Eason Chen. This video is of Eason Chen, great song great stage presence. 

This is by local talent Olivia Ong, I love her voice. So clean and soothing. 

The last video is of one of my fave local talents, JJ Lin! 

He sang a medley and this video is a bit noisy, cuz of the live band. 
Same la, all the graphics not fabulous so just enjoy the music. 

Okay happy music-ing! 
These videos took me a bloody long time to upload, so you better go listen hor! 
Okay no I'm kidding about the threats lol, but it really took alot of effort to upload. 

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles

Murakami is now my new favourite author. 

As I'm moving away from my usual contemporary romances and action-romances genres, I have discovered this gem of an author called Haruki Murakami. 

There is only so much chick lit a girl can take without feeling like all that shallow talk of love and sex are just too superficial and far too unrealistic. The plots are all similar, I can guess what happens next and how it ends. I can predict the characters' every move. It gets boring. It gets repetitive. 
It's shallow and suddenly, I'm reading not just to relax. I'm reading because I want to ponder about things, the deeper things in life besides the ubiquitous love and sex  - American style. Chick lit is the kind of book that you read and forget. It leaves no lasting impression because the stories are so similar they blend into each other. 

Now, Murakami is a different story altogether. 
His stories are different, the plot twists and turns and leaves you breathless for more. 
It's unexpected, it's profound and it's highly imaginative. Everything seems metaphorical under the pens of Murakami. His stories are quietly poetic yet extremely intriguing.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles is no exception. 
It's mysterious, magical, dramatic in a nondescript manner. 
There's this magic in his books that compels you to read on just to find out what happened next. 
Every tale told in this book seems like an individual story but in actual fact they are all linked together. You got to use a little imagination to put them all together. 
This book pushes the realms of magical and imagination, blending the two beautifully together.

I enjoyed this book greatly, and although his books always leave me feeling confused at the end, it also gave me the pleasure of pondering over his words and hopefully gain more of an understanding as I move on in life. 

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Image taken HERE

Takuya Kimura is back in CHANGE, as a politician. 

I know, huge surprise right. 
I couldn't believe it too when I first heard about this. I thought Kimura would flunk badly cuz, how many people out there can act convincingly as a Prime Minister?!

But let's not jump the gun. 
Read the sypnopsis first. 

To keep the long story short:

Keita (Kimura) was an elementary school teacher in Nagano and his hobby was star gazing. His father and elder brother were politicians, but they passed away in a tragic plane crash. Keita was roped in to run for elections, which he did but his original intention wasn't to win. 

But he did. 

Thereafter there are plenty of unseen political powers at work to make Keita the Prime Minister instead.  Primarily, the mastermind of all these is Kanbayashi - the House secretary of the ruling party. Keita was to become the puppet of the more experienced politicians, specifically Kanyabashi. 

However, the sincerity and hard work of Keita soon won over every sceptic and as Kanbayashi found out, he was not a puppet on his strings. Kanbayashi had to come up with another scheme to destroy Keita. How far would he go to realize his ambition? Could he succeed?

I think...

This show definitely has all the makings of a great drama series and should be on the top of all Kimura fans' To Watch lists. Even if you're not a fan, you'll love this drama too. 

It's full of suspense, humour and heart. 
It tugs at your heartstrings and it makes you believe that anything is possible with lots of hard work and heartfelt sincerity. The only drawback is the pace is a little too slow at the beginning. Once it reaches episode 3 and 4, it is then when things start to heat up. 

Kimura didn't disappoint afterall, he's portrayed the character in an admirable manner. 
What does this say haha, he's still the king of Jap dramas. 

Verdict: 4/5

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Review: SANA Morning Kiss

Who doesn't love morning kisses? 
They're sweet, they're cute and they're lovely. 

But sadly, morning kisses are a privilege. 
Not everyone gets to enjoy that. 

Even so, there's no more fear because...


  • It's pink! 
  • It comes in a handy pump bottle 
  • 3-in-1 make up base(primer), sunscreen and moinsturizer
  • SPF 30 means you can skip the sunscreen if you're not in direct sunlight for long 

Even my lovelies approve of this sweet packaging. 

Just apply one pump onto skin after your usual skincare routine. 

It's a light pink colour and is slightly scented. The scent reminds me of floral-scented hand cream. 
Texture wise, it's a slightly watery base which is light on the skin. 

Blend in carefully and you can see that the formula completely melts into my skin. 
It has completely evened out my skintone and it leaves a slight sheen so it gives your complexion a healthy glow. The light pink formula comes packed with Vitamin B12 and diffusing pearl effect, it's also suitable for Asian skin because the pigments lends a hand in brightening your complexion. It's the same logic that applies with the ZA Brightener, both are pink formula and pink combats dullness, which is a common problem for Asian skin. 

It created a very smooth and even canvas for me before I applied pressed powder and blusher. 
I love the brightening effects too. 


It's way too early to say for sure if it's really awesome, I'll have to continue using it for a month before I pass my final verdict. But for now, I have to say, so far so good! 

Thank you SANA for the product!

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Flor: Exquisite French Meets Delicate Japan


FLOR Pâtisserie is a Japanese-styled patisserie serving authentic Japanese inspired French pastry, where you can choose to dine in or to take out. 
Chef  Yamashita from Japan brings with him over 20 years of Japanese baking techniques, and has spent a year and a half tailoring the signature cakes to suit the climate and taste of Singapore. 
No baking powder, artificial rising/softening agents, stabilisers, or preservatives in the products. The soft yet moist quality of our cakes is achieved from the natural aeration of eggs being whipped to their full peak. Made entirely of natural and fresh ingredients, customers to be able to enjoy freshly baked cakes every day, all unsold fresh cream cakes are either sold at a discount at the end of the day, or are disposed of.  
FLOR Pâtisserie firmly believes in using only the best ingredients to create beautiful-tasting pastries.  Chef Yamashita ensures that all pastries that come out of the kitchen are at the peak of harmony in flavours as well as in colours.


Chef Yamashita Masataka (山下昌孝was trained in Tsuji Culinary Institute, a well-known and respected culinary institute in Osaka, Japan. Upon graduation at a tender age of 21, Chef Yamashita embarked on his career as a pastry chef, working at various famous pâtisseries around Japan for more than 10 years. 
In 2001, he started his own pâtisserie in Nara, Japan, of which his tasty creations propelled it to be one of the top pâtisseries in Nara. Chef Yamashita even counts Japanese celebrities such as Horiuchi Takao and Iwasaki Hiromi as his fans.
Eight years later, a yearning for new challenges and a change of scenery saw Chef Yamashita pack up his pâtisserie, and move to Singapore where he took charge of the kitchen at Pâtisserie Glacé. 
After a year and a half, Chef Yamashita saw an opportunity to revive his pâtisserie from Japan, and re-established Flor Pâtisserie at Duxton Hill, Singapore. 


The main colours are blue and white. 
The exact shade of blue as their signboard. 
Clean cut, simple and puts the attention on all the pretty delicious cakes!


The kareshi and I ordered two to share because we couldn't resist all the pretty pretty cakes!


Check out the delicate strands of French chestnut cream carefully piped over a sandwich of crisp, flaky puff pastry and pastry cream! This is then topped with sweetened Japanese chestnuts. 

The puff pastry was sweet and crispy, and I went into transports of delight once I tasted the chestnut cream. So so sooooo good. It's so tough to find a word to describe the taste of the chestnut cream. It's sweet but not artificial sweet. Its more of a natural chestnut sweetness that lingers in your mouth even long after you've finished the entire plate. 

This is sooooooo delicious that I wanna go back and try the other cakes! 


I have a weakness for dessert cups, mousse and lots of fruits. So it's no surprise that I chose this. 

Passionfruit and chocolatate mousse, topped with an exotic array of fruits and nibbles of white and dark chocolate balls! A tantalizing taste of sour, bitter and sweetness. Only a very very thin layer of cake lies in between the mousse.

 I love the combination of tangy passionfruit and slightly bitter chocolate. It balances out everything nicely, and the fruits are a mixture of sweet and sour. Chocolate balls adds a slight crunch and variety to the dessert. 

Rating: 5/5

Definitely worth a return visit, or many return visits.
It's a good place to enjoy a slice of cake and generally just sit and chill.
The cakes and desserts are just kick-ass awesome, love the delicate flavours.
Looking forward to try the Matcha cakes the next time round!


Duxton Hill
#01-01, 2 Duxton Hill
Singapore 089588

Phone: +65 6223 8628    Fax: +65 6223 5248

Business hours:
Monday to Saturday: 11am- 7pm
Sunday (Public Holidays):  11am- 6pm 

Cafe hours are from 11am - 6:00pm (Mondays to Saturdays) and 11am - 5pm (Sundays & Public Holiday).

Basement 2, Food Hall
Phone: +65 6737 1789
Business hours: 10am - 9pm daily

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