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The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles

Murakami is now my new favourite author. 

As I'm moving away from my usual contemporary romances and action-romances genres, I have discovered this gem of an author called Haruki Murakami. 

There is only so much chick lit a girl can take without feeling like all that shallow talk of love and sex are just too superficial and far too unrealistic. The plots are all similar, I can guess what happens next and how it ends. I can predict the characters' every move. It gets boring. It gets repetitive. 
It's shallow and suddenly, I'm reading not just to relax. I'm reading because I want to ponder about things, the deeper things in life besides the ubiquitous love and sex  - American style. Chick lit is the kind of book that you read and forget. It leaves no lasting impression because the stories are so similar they blend into each other. 

Now, Murakami is a different story altogether. 
His stories are different, the plot twists and turns and leaves you breathless for more. 
It's unexpected, it's profound and it's highly imaginative. Everything seems metaphorical under the pens of Murakami. His stories are quietly poetic yet extremely intriguing.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles is no exception. 
It's mysterious, magical, dramatic in a nondescript manner. 
There's this magic in his books that compels you to read on just to find out what happened next. 
Every tale told in this book seems like an individual story but in actual fact they are all linked together. You got to use a little imagination to put them all together. 
This book pushes the realms of magical and imagination, blending the two beautifully together.

I enjoyed this book greatly, and although his books always leave me feeling confused at the end, it also gave me the pleasure of pondering over his words and hopefully gain more of an understanding as I move on in life. 

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