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Penny for your thought
What is a friend? I will tell you, it is a person with whom you dare to be yourself. - Frank Crane

If what Mr Crane said is true, I think you'll be hard put to find someone who can accept you for who 
you really are and not judge you on what you wear.

Never sacrifice who you are just because somebody else has a problem with it. - Sex and the City

But then again, do you have the guts to continue to be yourself even when it seems the people whom 
you call friends have a problem with it?

Food for thought isn't it..

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Magical Night of Wonders
Photo heavy post

82/11 OCC Commissioning Ball at Ritz Carlton!

 Slow Cooked Salmon with Confit Vine Tomato, Yuzu Jelly and Garden Cress

 Double Boiled Chicken with Consomme Flavoured with Lemongrass and Scallop Confit

Moroccan Spiced Glazed Chicken with Gratin Potato, Roasted Vegetables and Thyme Jus

 Jivara and Roasted Banana Mousse with Mixed Berry Sabayon


Girls of table 19

4 awesome people from Ngee Ann. HAHA!


Rayson you got the whole estate agent look down pat HAHAHAHAHA! 

ALICIA! Love your nail colour ;)



Vinegar and Grapes
The sudden overwhelming rush of unhappiness knocked me off my feet.
Jealous of the freedom, the kind of freedom I''ve never had, will never have.
Jealous of the trust, the kind of trust I've never earned, will never have.
Jealous of the happiness, the kind of happiness I've never experienced, and will never feel.
Jealous of the extravagance, the kind of extravagance I've never had, and will never have.
Jealous of the femininity, the kind I've never learned, and will never learn.
Jealous of the innate ability, the kind people grow to possess, the kind I've never grown to have.
Jealous of the adventure, the kind I've never seen, and will never have.
Jealous of the wanderlust, the kind I can only feel, and never act upon.

Depressed at my absolute failure as a female
Disappointed at my absolute failure as a girl
Dejected that I never seem to live up to anyone's expectations
Dismayed that I never seem to live up to my own expectations
Dispirited at my utter lack of confidence in myself
Drowning in this complete wreck of a remnant that used to be me.

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≪那些年,我们一起追的女孩≫ 把读者人生最精华的部分化为文字,让文字记载了美好的回忆。看这本书,犹如回到了我十多岁时候,借由作者的经历来回忆自己的过去。有点忧伤,有点好笑,有点开心,真是五味杂成的一种经验。


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Johnny English: Reborn

Mr Bean strikes back as Agent Johnny English!

The beauty in this James Bond-ish flick - Mr Bean style.

Belated post on my favourite comedian ever. If you still haven't watched this, go! I could use a comedy now though...ahhh..

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Departures おくりびと

This is an awesome awesome movie. All the nominees aren't there just for show you know. 
It's a touching story of how a man embraces a career that is under -appreciated and unacknowledged and considered improper by everyone, even his wife. It's touching and enlightening and it makes you think.. 

The moments he spent in the bath were significant, it seemed to be when he let go of everything and pondered over life's little things, over his job.. 

Rokyo Hirosue plays the main character's wife. I think she's everyone's ideal woman, cooks clean wash and adores the husband and exceptionally gentle and charismatic. 

Yes the career is this. Dressing and sending the departed off. Dealing with bodies and tearful families. It's not a job everyone can do, you got to be respectful yet professional. Calm steady hands and a calm steady heart. 
You learn alot, from observing the families of the bereaved. 

This scene is beautiful. It's accompanied by soulful cello music that really tugs at your heartstrings. 

From a rookie, he is now a pro. But that doesn't mean the job gets any easier. 

This is also a really touching scene. Stones are used here to represent one's hopes and emotions. The receiver gets to interpret the meaning of the stone. It's significant because it represents the change in the main character's feelings. 

Go and watch this movie. I promise you won't regret it. 

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Highly Coveted Awesome Things

Instax camera! Have been saving up since a gazillion years ago and I still haven't bought it yet. Yes, what's wrong with me you ask. I have no idea. 

Doraemon film. Cute right! 

The entire DKNY apple series of perfume reminds me of lovely windy summer days. of frolicking in the sun, of picnics and of carefree days. How nice is that!

A wallet. 
This is a lousy example photo, but yes, I need one because my current one is dropping my money all over the place!! BOOO! 

Yummy body scrub! Heehee.. Body shop items always smell soooooo nice but they're forever so expensive. =/ Which is where the patience comes in, waiting for promotions and discounts!

Steamcream! The best lotion I've ever tried. Super moisturizing and non-greasy. Miracle cure for my dry skin. The elements are killing my skin, eurghh.. 

Olympus EP3!

That or a Canon G12. Its a close fight. I'm still deliberating. HAHA!

Yes I suppose that ends this post, unless I remember something all of a sudden... ;)


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