This is an awesome awesome movie. All the nominees aren't there just for show you know. It's a touching story of how a man embraces a career that is under -appreciated and unacknowledged and considered improper by everyone, even his wife. It's touching and enlightening and it makes you think.. The moments he spent in the bath were significant, it seemed to be when he let go of everything and pondered over life's little things, over his job.. Rokyo Hirosue plays the main character's wife. I think she's everyone's ideal woman, cooks clean wash and adores the husband and exceptionally gentle and charismatic. Yes the career is this. Dressing and sending the departed off. Dealing with bodies and tearful families. It's not a job everyone can do, you got to be respectful yet professional. Calm steady hands and a calm steady heart. You learn alot, from observing the families of the bereaved. This scene is beautiful. It's accompanied by soulful cello music that really tugs at your heartstrings. From a rookie, he is now a pro. But that doesn't mean the job gets any easier. This is also a really touching scene. Stones are used here to represent one's hopes and emotions. The receiver gets to interpret the meaning of the stone. It's significant because it represents the change in the main character's feelings. Go and watch this movie. I promise you won't regret it.
The Besty