Attended this with the kareshi in January, yes I'm pretty slow in the err updates department.
But hey, I've actually scheduled lotsa entries featuring vacations and food stuff.
So pardon me if I'm kinda slowwww in the more personal section.
My second time attending this and boy, do I feel old.
Especially when I'm surrounded all these little girls. Okay not really little little, but they're what.. 16-19 years old probably. The days when I'm 18 are long goneeeeee.
Not too bad. Took my good friend's advice to just sod everyone else's advice.
I'll just wear whatever I like and I think that looks best on me.
Thanks buddy haha, best advice ever.
In case you were wondering, my clutch bag is hidden behind my back because I have no idea how to pose elegantly with a bag haha! But I love that bag, it was a $8 steal from Bangkok, Platinum Mall.
Love the faux snake skin texture and the deep blue colour.
Yes I'm on a blue roll - blue dress, blue bag, blue bracelet.
No my shoes were nude. Lolol..
But yes, I kinda love the colour blue.
Finally wearing this handmade glass beads bracelet that I got for my 21st birthday.
Mad chio and it complements my outfit perfectly.
Even though I love dressing up, I like it when I can just lounge around in crumpled old t-shirts too lol.
Right that's about it, will update soon.
The Besty