LOOK WHO'S COMING TO TOWN!! IT'S MARVEL'S HOTTEST GROUP OF THE MOMENT - THE AVENGERS! Check out the video! It's Scarlett Johansson!! Happy or what?! Yes happy as I am that Scarlett Johansson is starring in the movie, I am not about to announce that she is my favourite Avenger. "WHAT?! WHY NOT?!" Well, that would be because CHRIS EVANS IS MY FAVOURITE AVENGER! Hello CAPTAIN AMERICA! I am not a Marvel comics person, but I enjoyed all the movies dearly! Especially CAPTAIN AMERICA. Check out the post that I wrote regarding the movie last year here I like that Captain America started out as vulnerable but righteous human being, and his kindness of heart gave him that opportunity to help more people in the world. Even though the military kinda underused him by making him a mascot, he didn't give up. That kind of perseverance is truly, an admirable quality in any human being. Oh and him being a superhero aka enhanced human being is a pretty cool concept. I guess in reality, scientists might be hard at work researching super enhancing potions too haha! Lastly, Chris Evans is an AWESOME choice to play the role as Captain America! He makes a lovely sight, after his super enhancing process hahaha! Look at that lovely handsome face! *swoons What are you still waiting for! For more behind-the-scenes scoops and droolicious photos.. Subscribe to Marvel Singapore Youtube Channel CATCH MARVEL'S THE AVENGERS IN CINEMAS THIS 1 MAY 2012
The Besty