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Hédiard Cafe

It's a rainy rainy dreary day but I'm going out!!
Gonna wear these lovely colours today :)

Quite some time back, I randomly entered in some Ikea catalogue contest and I won....

A  Sweet Temptations UniGift Certificate for Two!!!

I think that signifies a change of luck. 
From then on I've randomly and actively participated in big and small contests, just to test my luck heehee..
I'm glad to know Lady Luck still favors me from time to time, and winning something does wonders to perk me up too! :)

It was a really good deal, the UniGift Certificate comes with a booklet of participating retailers, so I get to pick where and what I wanna use the voucher for. 

I picked Hédiard Cafe and Restaurant because they offered the most out of the menu! HAHAHA! 

We were entitled to a plate with a patisserie from the set menu dessert selection accompanied with a fruit jelly, a chocolate truffle and a Turkish delight, and a cup of coffee or tea per person. 

You tell me! 
Good deal or not?!

I love the place!
It's quaint, quiet and really cosy.


Hédiard Blend Tea

I have the entire pot to enjoy!

I love their tea. 
When the waitress brought the tea bags over, I was literally bubbling with excitement. 
The aroma was divine. 
I wanted to grab the entire bag and stuff it under my pillow to help me sleep better, that is how fantastic their tea is. Their tea came with a small cube of fruit jelly too..yumm..

The darker flatter piece of sugared confectionery is the fruit jelly. 
So sweet it'll give you a toothache, I love it!
The texture is chewy, like sugared gummy candies.

The bigger cube of rose pink is the Turkish delight. 
The texture is also chewy, but less sticky as compared to the fruit jelly. 

The chocolate truffle is an almond coated with chocolate and cocoa powder. 
Slightly bitter to balance out all the sugary sweetness of the fruit jelly and Turkish delight.

Bourbon Vanilla Mille-Feuille

This is THE bomb. 

It is one of those food which sends you into an upward spiral of ecstasy and you will never ever believe any other cafe can make a mille-feuille as good as Hédiard's. 

The powdered sugar icing, the crisp pastry, the thick and aromatic cream that fills your mouth..

I think this qualifies as a food orgasm. 
Totally unrivaled. 

Moelleux Chocolate with Vanilla Anglaise 

This is sure to send all chocolate loves straight to Chocolate Haven. 
Warm chocolate cake with thick warm chocolate oozing out..
Paired with the Vanilla Anglaise, I think you would have thought you died and went to Chocolate Heaven. 

It was an awesome dessert dinner hahaha, best of all it's FREE!
We were so full after the dessert we decide to skip dinner altogether. 
It's a really nice place for an afternoon of escape, just really nice soft music and a pot of warm tea.. 
Happy happy :)

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Howl's Moving Castle

Many many years ago, when this movie came out, I was really excited. 

But the strange thing was, nobody wanted to watch it. 

So I ended up not watching it. 

Biggest movie mistake I've ever made, by not watching it. 

It was a lovely story, speaking of fantasy and imagination and love and kinship and kindness and forgiveness.

A wonderful story made better with Joe Hisashi's fabulous background music that tugs at your heartstrings. 

The movie began with a strange mess of metallic clicking house walking along on claws. Intriguing. 
That is in fact the moving castle. 
Whose moving castle? 
Yepp you guessed right, Howl's Moving Castle. 

Who is Howl?

This is Howl. The black-haired cutie pie. 

A short character introduction. 

Sophie. She was a lovely young girl but she crossed the Evil Witch when she accidentally fell in love with Howl. The Evil Witch turned her into this frail 90 year old lady.

This is Howl. Utterly handsome, with an air of confidence and mystery but a very kind face and smile. 

The fire in How's castle. Hahaha! 
A charming little character who injected a lot of humour into the show. 

The scarecrow. He's been cursed, just like Sophie. This character doesn't talk at all, but strangely it's a very endearing character. It exudes kindness and friendliness, which spoke volume even though it was a soundless act. 

The Evil Witch. Uber disgusting. So are her henchmen. 

The interior of the castle. A right old mess. Sophie escaped when the Witch turned her into an old lady and she ended up in the Castle! She took it upon herself to clean up and place to make it suitable for human habitat. 

Howl said this to Sophie in one of the scenes. 
It was such a touching moment. 
Sophie's heart, the goodness of her heart shone through the ugly and old exterior of her 90 year old body to touch Howl's heart. 

In fact, I believed the curse cast on Sophie reflected how she felt and thought. At times she regained her youthful appearance but at times it faded back again. 

It was a difficult time as war was raging, Howl rescued Sophie..

Hayao Miyazaki once said that his movies are not children movies. 

I agreed. 

He said they were movies for adults that appealed to children. 

Children would not have been able to comprehend the hidden meanings or fully appreciated the dark fantasy of the movie. But the darkness of the the fantasy is exactly what drew me in, the storyline is not superbly intricate but that is exactly what I like about it. You are given free rein to feel, to imagine and to soak up the mood of the animation. 

The story had a really good ending and I enjoyed it thoroughly. 
Definitely watching it a second time.  :)

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Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition

Best museum experience and best exhibition I've ever seen.

This is a definite must-go must-see must-experience exhibition.

Art Science Museum is gorgeous, the exhibition was fantastic. The whole concept is very cool, very modern.

Upon entering, you receive this Boarding Pass. Makes you feel like you're really boarding a cruise! Titanic here I come!

Unfortunately no photography is allowed for this exhibition :(

But they took us through the whole exhibition, of which the interior is styled like the real Titanic.

There's the Veranda Cafe, complete with the menu, cutlery categorized according the the 3 different class cabins. We were also shown the cabins, first class was like king man.. Silk sheets, even their own personal sink haha! Third class cabins were near the boiler room so they re-created the smoky effect and the boiler room sounds. Very realistic!

We even saw a piece of the Titanic ship body, the entire room for that was way cool. Glass floors and the bottom were all sand to recreate the underwater seabed effect. There were those strange lights that created those underwater sunlight effect, it felt like I was walking in the sea!

In one room, we get to view a video of how the Titanic sunk. Not the movie version hahaha.
A very cool piece of technology lay in that room too.

An iceberg.

I doubt it was a real iceberg. But it recreated the temperature of the sea when the Titanic sunk. My fingers were numb after 3 seconds, and the best thing is..my hands were wet. The fake iceberg dripped water. I have no idea how they did it but it's excellent.

It was such an educational and awesome experience. Go and catch it now before it's gone!

Psst.. it's the 100th anniversary, 100 years since Titanic sunk! The micro-organisms have been eating away at the ship for over 70 years underwater before they managed to retrieve it. Which meant another 100 years more, you won't be able to even see the ship body at any Titanic exhibition, the micro-organisms would have eaten all of it away!


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Fiction Fetish

Fictional guys are just..so hot you know..

They possess all the qualities you seek in a partner, have a killer bod and boyish charm. They can be anything you want, a perfect gentlemen, a roguish pirate, a smokin' hot assassin, a bad boy vampire with smouldering eyes, a kickass secret government agent...the possibilities are endless!

If in the case you happen to reach for a book with a less than desirable male lead. Well..next time just go for a different book! Unlike in real life, you can really just dump em' if they're not to your liking.

Really...great men through the times..

Look at Mr Darcy..he can be an a-hole but somehow, women have twisted minds. His a-hole-ness is kinda sexy at times..

The only drawback is you start to develop unrealistic expectations of real men in real life, and you lament why oh why do they not behave or look like your fictional hero..

Well... It's hard to live up to the expectations of a guy who only lives in a book and in your head.
But..in the meantime, I guess I can just continue enjoying my fictional men.. ;)

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