Best museum experience and best exhibition I've ever seen. This is a definite must-go must-see must-experience exhibition. Art Science Museum is gorgeous, the exhibition was fantastic. The whole concept is very cool, very modern. Upon entering, you receive this Boarding Pass. Makes you feel like you're really boarding a cruise! Titanic here I come! Unfortunately no photography is allowed for this exhibition :( But they took us through the whole exhibition, of which the interior is styled like the real Titanic. There's the Veranda Cafe, complete with the menu, cutlery categorized according the the 3 different class cabins. We were also shown the cabins, first class was like king man.. Silk sheets, even their own personal sink haha! Third class cabins were near the boiler room so they re-created the smoky effect and the boiler room sounds. Very realistic! We even saw a piece of the Titanic ship body, the entire room for that was way cool. Glass floors and the bottom were all sand to recreate the underwater seabed effect. There were those strange lights that created those underwater sunlight effect, it felt like I was walking in the sea! In one room, we get to view a video of how the Titanic sunk. Not the movie version hahaha. A very cool piece of technology lay in that room too. An iceberg. I doubt it was a real iceberg. But it recreated the temperature of the sea when the Titanic sunk. My fingers were numb after 3 seconds, and the best thing is..my hands were wet. The fake iceberg dripped water. I have no idea how they did it but it's excellent. It was such an educational and awesome experience. Go and catch it now before it's gone! Psst.. it's the 100th anniversary, 100 years since Titanic sunk! The micro-organisms have been eating away at the ship for over 70 years underwater before they managed to retrieve it. Which meant another 100 years more, you won't be able to even see the ship body at any Titanic exhibition, the micro-organisms would have eaten all of it away! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR. GO NOW. :)
The Besty