This entry is a little late, but I finally caught Wolverine last week!
Haven't really gone out and done something interesting for a looong time and that feeling just sucks.
So here we go, Wolverine!
Lots of people had really bad reviews about it but that's not going to deter me.
Photo Credit: HERE
Wolverine's gone to Japan this time to fight it out with another mutant.
It's plenty exciting and action-packed.
Something different from the first Wolverine movie, but it's a continuation of Logan's story after X-Men: The Last Stand. Alot of the scenes show Logan fighting his emotions and finding the will to live on after all his loved ones have died. Not many people enjoyed it cuz the pace and the whole set-up is not your usual Marvel/X-Men plot, but I'm cool with it.
Photo Credit: HERE
There are a few new characters being introduced into the movie this time round, and Viper is one of them.
I swear the effects team was awesome, cuz even though I know snakes shed skin, it's still hard to see the same effect on a human being despite knowing she's like..a snake/human mutant.
Photo Credit: HERE
I quite like this new addition into the movie too. She's a very spunky girl and while she's not your average beauty, I like that her features are very interesting and somehow you just don't mind seeing more of her.
Also, I think her hair colour is plenty cool, the whole style is a little Emily the Strange gothic but in a very Japanese teenage chic-street kinda way.
Photo Credit: HERE
And there are ninjas in the movie!
Very stealthy and cool I have to admit, and fighting in the snow? Artistic license number 1 definitely.
The snowy backdrop contrasted with the inky black warriors was impressive indeed.
Verdict: 4/5
While it's not as spectacular as the first Wolverine movie, it did live up to my expectations of a Marvel movie. Albeit different from the usual, but satisfying nonetheless.
The Besty