Yes I know, somehow I typed in a wrong word and I didn't save the PS version.
No, not going to edit because I'm lazy like this. But I shall slot in another nice header/banner photo for this post, to make up for that typing error.
I think this is a good enough replacement.
Quite pretty, if I say so myself.
Our resort is a log house!!!
With a hugeeeee Christmas tree too.
The lobby, and every level has this waiting area that faces the lake.
Is the view stunning or what?!
Pool table for the guests.
I failed terribly at this game.
A mini gym, but apparently the treadmills can't seem to work.
Beyond this area is the sauna room.
A pool, but nobody is swimming, mainly because it's very cold.
The hallways are so pretty,
Welcome to our room.
It's a loft.
Toilet looks very posh.
The steps were a little bit scary, no railings ones.
But quite exciting, we leaped down from the stairs and bounced off the bed HAHA.
Very juvenile behaviour but oh so fun.
Slanted ceiling because we're on the topmost level.
At night you can actually hear the wood breathing, and it's a very peaceful and calming sound.
This is the view from our room.
The parents' room.
Million dollar view from their balcony.
Utterly breathtaking.
The sky is so blue, the lake so peaceful, the air so cool, and the sun is so warm.
Heaven on earth.
This is how the resort looks like at night, I think it looks absolutely lovely and tranquil.
We ventured to the pier after dinner, and I managed to snap this amazing night view of the hotel from across the lake.
Breakfast at the hotel was AMAZING.
The spread was unbelieveable.
I ate 2 servings because the food was too good.
All these are for porridge, I ate 2 bowls of porridge because I love their side dishes of lotus roots and vegetables. So appetizing!
Something interesting, dish of the far left is actually....
I was pretty grossed out by the name, but then I tried a small bite and it was fantastic!
Very crunchy, and the marinate was pretty well-done. Spicy and a little sweet.
Turning left after we exit the hotel, we went down the road all the way until at the end. there's a small alley that indicates they have 臭臭锅 (which is really just steamboat la) if we go in that direction.
So we did and we ended up here.
Found some food places along this stretch of road.
I forgot what's the name of the restuarant, but it's the first shop on your immediate right when you reach the end of the alley slope. They have a fish tank and all sorts of vegetables on display.
Wild Boar Meat is not really to my taste.
Too much fat and too tough.
Local vegetables are the best because they taste so fresh.
Three Cup Chicken redefined by the Taiwanese, these are soooooooo delicious.
Your average homecooked dish - Radish Omelette or more affectionately known as the Cai Por Egg.
A bit too salty for my liking, but still pretty good.
Vegetables in Taiwan are all immensely fresh and crunchy.
Thumbs up!
Verdict: 4/5
This shop can be found on the busier stretch of roads in the town.
Dinner was settled here.
This tofu, though on the oily side, tasted fantastic!
Silky smooth and slightly charred, it's just amazing.
The Taiwanese are like the Japanese, they can turn anything into tempura style.
Deep-fried mushrooms are so delish, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.
Dip them in the salt-pepper dip to enjoy a different flavour.
Bamboo shoots, crunchy, fresh and flavourful.
My favourite dish of the night!!!!
This is one of the recommendations by the boss.
This is fish and it's just crazy delicious stuff. The sauce is a little sweet, kinda like 糖醋.
The fish is fresh and sweet, and together with the sauce, this is a kickass combination.
I forgot the name of the dish, but just show the boss this picture, he'll know.
Verdict: 4/5
Exploring the bustling streets in the morning before checking out.
And we met this super nice boss who sells Sun Moon Lake specialty - Assam Red Tea!
He says pearls are free, so I said yes to adding pearls lolol.
Then while I was snapping a shot of the stall, he posed and smiled! HAHA, so candid!
Oh and in case you were wondering, the red tea was awesome.
This is Taiwan's version of Tao Huey, don't ask me why there are so many things inside.
I vaguely recall there's barley and green bean and something.
The skies at Sun Moon Lake are ever-changing. An hour can make a difference, one moment you have fluffy white clouds and the next they're all gone.
The next time I go there, I'm going to ride a bike around or at least take the damn boat ride.
We did none and it was such a regret.
The view at Sun Moon Lake is really breathtakingly amazing.
Took a walk to the pier and tadahhhh spotted our log house resort sitting atop the lake.
The cable cars! No I didn't ride the cable car either.
Basically just depended on my legs while I sightsee.
So with that concludes my Sun Moon Lake tour.
More posts coming up. Stay tuned!
I swear my travel posts can probably take up an entire year's worth of blog entries.
The Besty