A romantic comedy starring Amanda Seyfried and Christopher Egan! You'll fall in love once you watch the trailer! It's a classic romance chick flick feel-happy type of film, which seriously does wonders to the mood. Something light to take away the tension and fatigue at the end of a day! The story goes that Sophie - Amanda Seyfried does investigative work for publications is going away on a pre-honeymoon with her fiance Victor. They're going to Verona, Italy also known as the City of Romance, as it's the hometown of Juliet Capulet - from Shakespeare's famous play Romeo and Juliet. There is a place called Juliet's Balcony where millions of women go there everyday and they write letters to Juliet, in the hope that she'll reply and help them solve their problems. Kinda like Aunt Agony ya know. Sophie got roped in to help because she was so fascinated, and she met this team of women who called themselves Juliet's Secretaries, they are the people who reply all these letters to all these heartbroken women and mail the replies back. Victor is too busy running around attending to his restaurant business to consider spending more time with Sophie, so Sophie dived into the work there eagerly. One day she found this 50 year old letter while she was collecting the letters. It was hidden behind a loose brick in the wall! The letter moved her to bits, and she set about to reply it anyway, despite it being 50 years old. This pompous British guy Charlie - Christopher Eagan, turned up one day out of the blue to accuse Sophie of replying a letter that needed no replying. Sophie followed him out and met his grandmother Claire, author of the 50 year old letter! They set about the countryside trying to locate Claire's long lost love Lorenzo Bartolleni and somewhere in between all these, Charlie developed feelings for Sophie. Most importantly, Sophie realized that her relationship with Victor is growing apart. I think this was something that happened in the heat of the moment. Charlie was very supportive of Sophie's dream of becoming a writer while Victor was too wrapped up in his restaurant business to care about other things. They thought the search was getting fruitless so they've decided to give up. But on the ride back, they passed by a vineyard and Claire wanted to go in for a drink to celebrate the end of their search. Who could have known, her decision would actually reunite her with the right Lorenzo Bartolleni! Sophie decided to leave at this moment to return to Victor, though her mood has been notably blue since the kiss with Charlie. Lorenzo introduced Claire to his family members and it was such a heartwarming moment! 50 years ago, Claire didn't have the courage to go to Lorenzo. 50 years later, she not only found her courage, she managed to find the man as well! They got married :) Sophie broke up with Victor because they were growing apart and even as she watched Claire getting blissfully married to her one true love, it kinda pains her that she's watching another's union when she has just ended hers. She should just admit to herself Charlie affects her in a way that Victor simply doesn't and go to Charlie instead of sitting there wondering about all the what ifs that could happen. This is my ultimate favourite scene from the film! You gotta watch this!! I love the letter. It came straight from the heart and it's true, it's sincere, and it's able to reach out into your heart and give you the courage that you so need. This is damn cliche but oh well, it's a happy chick flick so it has to end happily hahaha The best best best part about this film is that it's shot in beautiful beautiful Italyyyyy get a load of that awesomely breathtaking landscape!!! I'm in love hahaha! So yes I feel very happy and lighthearted after watching this movie and of course I want to visit Verona one day to witness this Juliet's Balcony! :))
The Besty