Guess who scored tickets to REAL STEEL GALA PREMIER?! HOT DATE WITH HUGH JACKMAN YO! ;) Many thanks to Nuffnang for organizing this awesome date! Managed to get good seats! :) It's a really heartwarming and inspiring story, I like how the story plays out. Most importantly, I like the flair and cutsey factor little Max brings into the movie. Hugh Jackman is as usual, fantastic. Happiness boost! :) Security was wayyy tight, we had to deposit our phones and mp3 at the counter before we were allowed to go in. Bag checks at the cinema entrance before we went in too. The security guards machiam like some bouncer, can rival Chris Evans already. Spot ATOM - the spunky little robot featured in the movie! He'll be there til Sunday at The Cathay, go catch him now if you haven't! Let's fight! Noisy Boy VS Midas! Fighting machines + Hugh Jackman = Killer combination! Watch the feature trailer complete with Hugh Jackman interviews! Introducing the ROBOTS!
Charlie's first robot, he looks kinda battleworn and very much tattered.
Opponent robot, get a load of that RED MOHAWK! Definitely killer look!
Very very cool, I like this! Japan robot, you can customize the language haha! Very sleek and shiny!
Junkyard robot! He was scrounged from the junkyard and put back to life. Amazingly it still works. The old school design also seemed like he's smiling down at you, very endearing! Can you see me swooning already? Cool machine and a super hot guy! *melts* Story goes like this.. Charlie - Hugh Jackman is an ex-boxer, world class contender. Then the game changed and he's out, and into the world of robot boxing. His long-time friend Bailey Tallet - Evangelline Lilly helps him fix up all this broken toys and gets him new robots. One fine day, while he took his Ambush out for a losing fight against a bull, he was informed that his ex-girlfriend was dead and she was survived by her 11 year old son Max. Well... you guessed it. Charlie's no dad material, as can be proven by the fact he dumped them 10 years ago and he's now here to waive all rights as a father. Max would be adopted by Barbara, Charlie's ex-girlfriend's sister. BUT hard up for cash Charlie struck a deal with Barbara's rich-ass old husband to sell him for cash. LOL. Perfect daddy material ain't he? Max would spend the summer with Charlie until Barbara and husband gets back from their trip. Turns out little Max is a huge ass robot boxing fan as well. Bailey got them a Noisy Boy and they were off in a jiffy to get in the latest fight. Look at little Max, he's intimidated hahahaha.. Noisy Boy VS Mohawk Midas Noisy Boy looks cool, doesn't he? Noisy Boy lost. Nopes, not because it was a lousy piece of metal. More because Charlie didn't bother to read up the manual and figure out the proper commands to give, which means money down the drain, again. You can start to see the cycle repeating itself. A junkyard trip to score free parts ended up with Max lugging home a robot. A really dirty robot, but it's working perfectly fine! Charlie is unsupportive hahahah. Look at Max's disgruntled expression. Trudged through mud and rain, he's as dirty as the robot he lugged home. Bailey showing Max a report of Charlie boxing. You can practically see the awe in the kid's eye at having such a cool father. Showing Max all the moves.. After a good wash, Atom looks as good as new. Best thing is, it's a sparring robot which means it can really take the hits. Good piece of metal. Atom started small but is gradually winning fights left right center. Cool eh.. Max has been teaching Atom to DANCE. Hahahaha yes, ain't that cool? He looks so dirty, all smudged with dirt but he looks like a miniature Charlie. Cute.. Max gave Charlie the confidence to pick up boxing again, even if he's just shadow boxing for Atom. Looking good.. Dear Evangelline Lilly, oh you're such a lucky lucky girl. ;) Get a load of the crowd!! It's insane man! Dream come true. A fight in the World Robots League against the best robots. People were betting Atom will go down against Twin Towers in the first round. Boy..were they in for a surprise! Twin Towers defeated by Atom! Hah! 2 heads don't mean much afterall.. Fighting ZEUS - the undefeatable robot in all League history! Welllll, he definitely looks intimidating! How will Atom fare against such a top power machine?! Charlie's shadow boxing for Atom! His hearing mechanism is down, oh nooo! WILL ATOM SURVIVE THE FIGHT AGAINST ZEUS? Catch REAL STEEL in Cinemas 6 OCT ;)
The Besty